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نحن نعمل جاهدا على ان نختصر لك الطريق فى الوصول الى الوظيفة المنشوده التى تبحث عنها لذا قمنا بإنشاء محرك بحث خاص بالموقع مدعوم شركة جوجل للبحث فى جميع الوظائف التى يتم نشرها على الموقع لذا يمكنك وبكل سهولة الوصول الى وظيفة فى مجال عملك من هنا. إرشادات يمكنك اتباعها لتسهيل عملية البحث عن وظيفة - اكتب فى محرك البحث بالأسفل كلمات تدل على المجال الذى ترغب فيه الأمثلة بالاسفل هى مجرد امثلة للبحث يمكنك تعديلها او الاضافة عليها البحث عن طريق استخدام التخصص مثل: وظائف للمحاسبين وظائف للصيادلة البحث عن طريق إستخدام المكان: وظائف فى فنادق وظائف شاغرة فى دبى وظائف فى بنوك وظائف فى شركة اتصالات وظائف فى السفارة الأمريكية أبحث عن وظيفة فى مجالك بإستخدام صندوق البحث بالأسفل

ابحث عن وظيفة في مجالك

Custom Search

30 مايو 2014


Job descriptionCOMPANY INFORMATIONQatar Petroleum remains focused on achieving longterm strategic targets and objectives. We have done so confident in the knowledge that the success of investments in the energy industry is measured over decades not months. At a national level we continues to work towards the goals of the Qatar National Vision 2030 which identifies key economic outcomes resulting from the responsible exploitation of the nation’s oil and gas resources. These include establishing a balance between reserves and production the generation of advanced technological innovations and the provision of clean energy for Qatar and for the world.PURPOSE OF THE JOBParticipate in the development of the Company’s LNG Marketing Strategy. Manage LNG Sales and Purchase Agreement SPA opportunities being pursued to maximize returns and ensure an optimal LNG portfolio. Pursue new LNG sales opportunities and lead the negotiation of SPAs HoAs Term Sheets and other LNGrelated commercial contracts. Monitor the performance of QP Joint Ventures’ JVs marketing departments. Act as the QP shareholder representative for all JV LNG marketing related matters and represent QP in LNG Marketing Committees of JVs as directed by Management. Maintain strong Customer Relationships through frequent contacts and networkingJOB REQUIREMENTSB.Sc. degree from a recognized school in a related discipline Engineering Business Marketing Economics and FinanceAn advanced degree is advantageousEXPERIENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED15 years relevant experience in the oil and gas industry including at least 10 years in LNG marketing and across the whole chain of the LNG business spectrum Diverse LNG marketing knowledge and experience in traditional e.g. Asia Pacific liquid e.g. North America and emerging e.g. South America markets Broad experience in LNG and gas market fundamentals for various markets Asia Pacific Europe North America etc. including experience with the drafting negotiation and execution of SPAs for LNG supply to customers in these markets Extensive knowledge of the competitors and competition conditions of LNG markets Experience with LNG spot sales activities including negotiation of price charter hires and terms and timely evaluation of customers’ proposals in relation to quantities prices shipment size and terms advanced contract negotiation drafting and interpretation skills Excellent problem solving leadership influencing and communication skills Advanced analytical economic business risk modeling skills Strong business knowledge strategy market analysis and customer contract development skills Ability to communicate with clarity and logic at higher levels within the organization and with partners customers and third parties JOB BENEFITSFully paid family or single status housing including utilitiesFurnishing allowance30 days annual paid vacation plus annual family ai more...


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