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29 مايو 2014

RNCBSC Planning Consultant

Responsible in leading the planning of BSCRNC and other elements within the core network.

Provide consultancy and drive enforcement on best practices for BSCRNC capacity management and monitoring together with delivery of detailed guidelines.

Be able to translate subscriber growth traffic growth subscriber traffic profile handset penetration into BSC and RNC requirement via dimensioning skills and ensure the robustness of the design to cater for required capacity and loading.

Develop relevant planning and dimensioning strategies and guidelines.

Participate in the annual CAPEX budget and plan preparation.

Leading the interface with BSCRNC vendors and drive periodic meetings with them to analysis the pain points and resolve them.

Prepare plans and recommendations to solve RNCBSC network design operations complains.

Analyzing fundamental plans and prepare the associated deployment plans.

Assist in preparation of STC strategic plan.

Able to understand the new evolution on access technologies and estimate their impact on the core side.

Analyze design traffic and Operations reports.


Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering

RNCBSC Certification from one of Major Vendors Ericsson NSN Huawei

Required Experience

Min 10 years’ experience in telecommunication industry with a good understanding in GSMGPRSEDGEWCDMALTE technologies

Expert in radio technologies and access evolution

BSCRNC Planning and Design experience Preferably in Operator Environment with RNCBSC from MultiVendor

IP General Knowledge is a must

Experience in Core Planning MSS EPC IMS UDC etc.


Good knowledge of Performance Counters for RNCBSC for Major Vendors

Mastering ProOptima Performance Tool

Mastering Mircosoft Office Programs especially Excel and PowerPoint

Advanced Skills in Writing Technical Reports

الخلفية التعليمية

Electrical Engineering

via http://ift.tt/1oxT9vK

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