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Custom Search

8 مايو 2014

Process Engineer expat High packages KSA


Are you interested to work for an operator in Saudi Arabia on full expat base including family status and taxfree salary?

For one of the largest Oil amp Gas refineries worldwide I am currently looking for several Process Engineers. Always wanted to work as a Specialist abroad?

An excellent expat package comes with this great staff position!

We have the following roles open

1. Cumene Phenol Process Engineer

2. MTBE Process Engineer

3. MMA and PMMA Process Engineer

4. Nylon6 Process Engineer

Minimum Requirements

Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering or equivalent

10 year of experience as Process Engineer in refineriespetrochemical industry

Process Engineering experience within CumenePhenolEPRTPOMTBEMMAPMMA plant is required

Excellent English communication skills

Process Engineer certifications or equivalent preferred

Do you match these requirements? And you are up for the next challenge in your career?


You can reach me at Progressive on 31 020 530 5822 for more information. Please apply by sending me your resume in NA and only candidates who fit the requirements will be contacted.


Process Process Engineering Process Engineer Refinery Monomer Polymer more...


via http://ift.tt/1uEc6hx

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