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28 أبريل 2014

Qatarization Events amp Professional Training Supervisor

Key Result Areas KRAs Job Purpose

Effective management of Qatarization events and activities. Detailed Tasks Activities

Identify and prepare an annual calendar of events and activities that will be executed each year by coordinating with the Educational Institutes.

Conduct induction familiarization and health amp Safety briefings for Developees.

Publish annual calendar of events notify Senior Management HR Manager and T amp D Superintendent of award and planned yearly graduation ceremonies and ensure these dates are in their respective diaries.

Compile a report after each event and submit it to T amp D Superintendent.

Coordinate events between Educational Institutions and other organizations with company PR and other departments that will contribute to the success of the event. This includes the annual Qatarization Town Hall meetings.

Key Result Areas KRAs Job Purpose

Coordination of professional offsite training activities. Detailed Tasks Activities

Manage and maintain the offsite vendor list in SharePoint and communicate training courses to respective line managers for reference to course identification for employees.

Consolidate all offsite training requests for both Qatari Nationals and company employees from annual training plans performance reviews and Developee reviews.

Assist in preparing offsite training requests with the respective departments and ensure that all forms are 100 completed and all relevant information has been captured prior to circulating for approvals.

Oversee the review of offsite course evaluation and report on the outcomes training request process and maintain integrity of the process.

Key Result Areas KRAs Job Purpose

Ensure compliance is maintained within the security department.

Detailed Tasks Activities

Identify compliance training requirements for Security staff.

Coordinate the scheduling of required courses for all security employees.

Maintain records of all training conducted for security staff.

Carry out compliance training for Security staff as per set schedule in Arabic and ensure all security staff meet their compliance training requirements.

Key Result Areas KRAs Job Purpose

Contribution towards Qatarization.

Detailed Tasks Activities

Oversee the compilation of the annual Qatarization Award documents for all areas and contribute towards Qatarization meetings.

Liaise with Qatarization Supervisors of Trainees and Developees to find out who will be graduating and prepare internal recognition ceremony for these people during the Qatari Town Hall Meeting.

Responsible to ensure the Qatarization Webpage is updated biannually from input from the Qatarization Supervisors.

Coordinate all related Qatarization reports within the Qatarization unit. Reports include all Board Reports and Presentations monthly progress reports QP reports ad hoc reports.



Flexibility amp Responsiveness

Service Orientation


Management Supervision

Coaching Mentoring

Software SAP HCM

Software MS Office

الخلفية التعليمية

Tertiary Diploma in Public RelationsAdministration

via http://ift.tt/PMUtLV

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