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30 أبريل 2014

Operations Manager

The Operations Manager will be responsible for planning and coordinating the requirements of the company from procurement to delivery of products to ensure effective and efficient supply chain operations. The position will also be responsible for the day to day operations of the generator assembly.


Knowledge of the principles and procedures of Supply Chain Management design planning execution control and monitoring of supply chain activities

Knowledge of raw materials production processes quality control costs and other techniques for maximizing the effective distribution of goods.

Excellent communication skills

Good computer skills

Demonstrate a high level of integrity at all times.

Decision making ability on all matters related to supply chain

Has analysisproblem assessment capability

الخلفية التعليمية

Engineering Degree Electrical Mechanical Industrial

وصف الشركة

Jubaili Bros. LLC

Jubaili Bros is a leading supplier of Power Solutions in the Middle East Africa and Asia. The Company was established based upon a simple philosophy to be the best at satisfying customer's electromechanical needs. Our Strength is being able to offer an extensive range of premium quality Diesel Power Generators 10 to 2200 KVA Open amp Silent powered by Perkins and Lister Petter Engines Power for Rent Mobile Light Towers 247 After Sales Service and a complete range of Genuine Spare Parts over a wide geographic coverage enabling us to fulfill our customers' requirements and this is what makes Jubaili Bros YOUR PARTNER IN POWER.

via http://ift.tt/1hfWNCF

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