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31 مارس 2014

Contractor Manning Resource Advisor

Job descriptionMaersk Oil Qatar is currently developing and expanding the facilities in the Al Shaheen Field offshore Qatar. Due to this expansion a Contractor Manning Coordinator is required to work in the Operations department.We Offer Maersk Oil Qatar AS offers a wide range of education and career opportunities for employees possessing necessary skills and competencies.We offer competitive salary with family status and relocation to Doha if required.Key Responsiblities•Establishes recruiting requirements by keeping on top of the Manpower plan and resignations terminations department objectives and project developments meeting with managers to discuss needs.•Act as the interface between offshore and our suppliers•Coordinate and run agency briefings for new positions•Carry out initial screening telephone interviews – review applicant requirements by studying job description and job qualifications.•Support educate and coach line managers in recruitment process and interview skills•Arranges interviews for shortlisted candidates by coordinating schedules arranges travel lodging and meals.•Liaise with HR to conduct necessary PILI as required•Evaluates applicants by discussing job requirements and applicant qualifications with managers•Liaise with agencies on offers and securing the selected candidates•Manage recruitment process •Tracking candidate submissions sources and status•Maintain and update Job Description’s databank•Handles statistics i.e. candidate traffic via different sources•Active role in driving and managing the performance of the contractors •Continuous improvement Seek opportunities to streamline and improve process•Build and maintain strong relationships with external suppliers•Network in the industry of potential future suppliers•Build and maintain strong relationships with offshore hiring managers•Build and maintain relationships with candidatesWho we are looking for•Fluent in English written and verbal•University Degree•4 years of experience recruiting within the Oil Gas industry – preferable for the offshore sector•Strong Customer focus•Competency Based Interviewing Skills•Ability to relate and build relationships with people regardless of hierarchy nationality culture etc•Results Driven•Project Management skills•Strong Phone Skills •Able to make decision in the face of ambiguity•Able to deal with constantly changing environment•Able to influence othersLast application date 03 May 2014.maerskoil.comMaersk Oil Qatar AS is the leading oil producer offshore Qatar and a recognized pioneer in oil development and production techniques. On the basis of an Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement EPSA signed in 1992 with Qatar Petroleum Maersk Oil Qatar MOQ is the sole operator of Al Shaheen field. The current oil production from the Al Shaheen field is approximately 300000 barrels per day from nine different locations and is exported via two main offshore facilities. Maersk Oil is an international oil and gas company with operated production of about 600000 barrels of oil equivalent per day from Denmark the UK Qatar Kazakhstan Brazil and Algeria. Exploration activities are ongoing in Angola Norway the US Gulf of Mexico Greenland Iraqi Kurdistan and in the producing countries. Turning marginal and challenging fields into commercial successes has been the cornerstone of Maersk Oil’s business since 1962. Maersk Oil focuses on pioneering technologies and harnessing tal more...


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