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26 ديسمبر 2013

Tender Project Manager


1.1 Goal of the Function

Tender and manage Generator projects such as revisions overhauls retrofits rehabilitations

1.2 General

1.2.1 Tendering

Supporting sales department in capturing new opportunities

Leading all functions related to tendering once opportunity received from sales

Leading all offer milestones such as gono go bidno bid tender kickoff meeting risk reviews Capture plan reviews etc. in close cooperation with other departments and product lines

Providing all documents for above milestones

Collecting all costs and technical scopes according to RFQ customer requirements from from various departments

Running unified cost calculations considering all costs warranties provisions and other over heads

Preparing and reviewing incoterms and terms and conditions in the contracts

Customer visits for scope clarifications and negotiations

Prepare the complete offer and hand over to sales

Build and maintain excellent Customer relation.

Strictly comply with the Company's Ethics Compliance rules and EHS policies rules and procedures

Implement quality management EHS systems and procedures

Plan and build resources as required train motivate and guide supporting personnel

Build and maintain excellent relationship with the project team

Effectively drive and support value stream mapping and time effectiveness in complete tender process

1.2.2 Project Managing

Support tendering unit in bid phase for execution related issues

Execute projects as per sold scope and defined processes procedures

Overall responsibility of schedule in planning and execution phase

Overall commercial responsibility invoicing cash flow margins etc.

Review project status on frequent base with all involved parties

Provide project status and early warning reports to the management

Build and maintain excellent Customer relation.

Build and maintain excellent ALSTOM image Quality

Strictly comply with the Company's Ethics Compliance rules and EHS policies rules and procedures

Implement quality management EHS systems and procedures

Conduct regular customer visits and represent company during the customer review meetings within the Middle East region as required

Carry out performance measurements Costs Ontime delivery lead time and take corrective steps if required.

Plan and build resources as required train motivate and guide supporting personnel.

Build and maintain excellent relationship with the project team


Tendering Generator projects from revision overhauls to rewind retrofits running costs calculations leading Risk Reviews and provide a complete offer including negotiations

Managing Generator projects from revision overhauls to rewind retrofits with complete schedule control and commercial responsibility

Strong customer relations in both above functions


3.1 Superior Function

Head of Tender and Project Management

3.2 Parallel Positions

Tenderand Project Manager

Technical Service Engineer

3.3 Interfaces

Sales Department

Execution and Area Centers for GT and ST

Supply Chain Management

Internal and external customers

Engineering and more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/project-manager/003489112.html

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