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27 ديسمبر 2013

Senior Electrical Engineer Proj. Coord.


BACKGROUND The Senior Electrical Engineer reports to the Major Projects Coordination Department Superintendent along with other discipline Senior Major Projects Coordination Engineers.

Habshan and Bab Gas Complex with 11 trains is considered amongst the largest gas plants under single management in the world. The Plant receives feed gas from ADCO and The products of the Plant include sales gas transferred to ADCO for reinjection and to ADWEA for water and electricity production as well as condensate and sulphur transferred to Takreer and NGL transferred to Ruwais. HabshanBab undergoes major expansions as well as a large number of technical projects.

It is a major challenge for the Department to ensure the effective coordination and communication across a diverse and complex range of Major Projects. Since some of them arewill be fast tracked various Major Projects will be executed in parallel. Another challenge is the increasing complexity of auditing of new installations commissioning and performance testruns in order to contribute to high levels of integrity safety and reliability.

The basic objective of this department is to provide the End User inputs to the project management process through direct involvement in engineering specifications and project procedures reviews HAZOP and vendorequipment selection both at site and in Engineering Company home offices together with under taking site suitability reviews operability maintainability evaluations and compatibility assessments.

MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIES Acircmiddot To be an End User focal point for electrical related project activities and interfaces with various GASCO departments Contractors and other companies like ADCO ADWEA and TAKREER.

Acircmiddot To participate in reviews of various project studies related to power requirement and availability scenarios generation requirements power sharing network systems and distribution networks both at site and at Engineering Contractor home office.

Acircmiddot To review the electrical discipline related Engineering specifications single line diagrams data sheets and interface execution methodologies.

Acircmiddot To participate in discussions for chalking out hazard area classification electrical equipment selections cables layout schemes with the Contractor and other project groups.

Acircmiddot To perform maintainability surveys audits and quality checks through direct contact with the Contractor and subcontractors.

Acircmiddot To ensure accomplishment of End User requirements for HSE operability maintainability reliability and compatibility with existing facilities in selection and installation of new facilities.

Acircmiddot To participate in SAT and FAT to ensure delivery of quality materials and systems as outlined in the contract.

Acircmiddot To audit and monitor construction precommissioning and commissioning activities and raising punch lists.

Acircmiddot To arrange End User integration in hand over and maintenance of new facilities.

Acircmiddot To arrange smooth clearing of electrical punch list items and handover of new facilities workshop equipment and project documentation by keeping a close contact with project team and Contractor.

Acircmiddot To enforce the implementation of Gasco Health Safety and Environment Management System HSEMS and also promote awareness of its use among all personnel.

via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/engineer/003489226.html

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