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27 ديسمبر 2013

PMP amp primavera p6 training in ajman

PMP Certification Preparation programme

New Batch starts on November First 2013

Version 5


FeenbspAED 2000 onlynbspOnly in offer period

UAE Ministry of Education Accredited Center

Certificate of Achievement Ministry Attestation fees apply


Course Overview

Your ability as a project manager to demonstrate best practices in projectnbspmanagementmdashboth on the job and through professional certificationmdashis becoming the standard to compete in today's fastpaced and highly technical workplace. This course expands upon the basic concepts of project management you discovered in the Project Management Fundamentals course and covers indepth the essential elements of managing a successful project. Focusing on the generally accepted practices of project management recognized by the Project Management Institute Inc. PMI reg this course offers you a standardsbased approach to successful project management across application areas and industries.

Course Objectives

You will apply the generally accepted project management best practices recognized by the PMI to successfully manage projects

Who should attend?

This course is designed for project managers and team leaders who want to accelerate significantly increase their chance of passing the PMPreg exam and learn practical project management principles that they can apply immediately at work.

For more details



Shk. Khalifa Road RHolding Bldg.

Flat No.402 Opp. Ajman Bank

Near Karachi Darbar Rest.

P.O. Box8415 AjmanU.A.E.


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/%26-8238%3b-%d8%b9%d8%ac%d9%85%d8%a7%d9%86-%09-%09-%09-%09-%d8%9b-%26nbsp%3b-/teaching/003489215.html

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