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28 ديسمبر 2013
Risk Engineer
- Safety Case SC Coordinator
- RM Coordinator Corporate.
- Technical Safety and Risk management support to the dayto day operations as required.
- Process Hazard Review PHR Facilitator
- Owner Facility QRA's Risk screening documentation
- RM training input assist and present
- Risk Engineering Team Leader RETL delegate.Responsibilities
- SC Coordinator to ensure OPQL comply with the imminent Qatar DG HSE Regulations on schedule and onspecification in all aspects. To develop a case in line with the forthcoming Qatar Regulatory and Enforcement authority DG modelled on UK HSE and Australian NOPSEMA regulations and guidelines.
- RM Coordinator Corporate.In line with the SC development develop a parallel RM program which satisfies OPQL's corporate OOG commitments and specifications. Ensure OOG Corporate RM requirements are applied and complied with in OPQL by the application of relevant OOG OPQL PSPG's Policies Standards Procedures and Guidelines and develop plans and specifications to achieve.
- General RM support to OPQL's HES personnel specialists.
- Ensure suitable Risk screening is carried out for all of OPQL's facilities on an annual basis
- Ensure Facility Baseline Risks and related QRA's are relevant reviewed and updated on a regular basis
- Conduct Facilitate basic PHR reviews
- Support RM training for relevant personnel from basic principles to PHR types and applications
- Facilitate Risk 'Working group' meetings and manage actions arising
- Input to RM reporting including the Annual Risk report register plan and budget
- Assist and advise the functional departments in regard to Technical Safety RM issues
- Liaise with local regulatory authority stakeholders on related issues where relevant
- Assist the Functional Project teams on PHR plans schedules execution and actions
- Ensure OPQL Risk management is enhanced by awareness of latest and best industry practice
- Technical review of key FTI Facilities Technical Information including PampID's CauseEffects diagrams Plotplans GA's. etc.
- Technical reports specifications and presentations to varied personnel including Senior Management.
- Carryout RETL roles and responsibilities as required.
Bachelors degree in related discipline
10 years experience in Industry in a related role.
Good interpersonal skills Effective presentations to executive company and thirdparty personnel Technical skills in an Engineering science discipline Conflict resolution Knowledge of Offshore Processing Systems and Operations Practical approach knowledge focus on key issues Knowledge of industry current bestpractices in the areas of Risk Engineering Risk Management RM and Technical Safety Experience in Safety case development in line with UK andor Australian standards Commitment more...EJ
via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/engineer/003490497.html
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