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Custom Search

1 ديسمبر 2013

Group Innovation Process Portfolio Manager


The Opportunity

Attractive Tax Free Salary Company car or Allowance Accommodation allowance Generous

Leave Return Flights Medical Cover Discretionary Bonus etc

Almarai Company

Almarai is the worldacirc128153s largest vertically integrated Dairy Food company with a turnover exceeding US 2.6 Billion in 2012 and a workforce numbering some 30000 employees. Operating throughout the GCC our highly successful product range is freshly delivered from over 100 depots to 50000 retail outlets serving numerous happy customers.

The Role

Reporting to the Head of Innovation Management the Group Innovation process amp Portfolio

Manager will be responsible for actively managing the companyacirc128153s entire new product development and innovation portfolio and process. This will be achieved through the provision of technical training and support giving structure and direction to all project teams in conjunction with using an idea to launch process involving a Stage Gate philosophy. You will develop and implement a progressive portfolio management review process geared to analyze amp align

product innovation strategy with scheduled review meetings. You will be a clear and effective communicator able to build consensus and influence key stake holder across Manufacturing Marketing Quality and Sales. The ideal candidate will have an established career history in a similar role managing a large product development portfolio from concept through to successfully launched product in preferably a Dairy Juices or Baked product environment.

The Ideal candidates will possess the following experience or attributes

  • Bachelor Degree from an accredited university college with addition certifications NPDPPMP

  • A measurable history of new product development within the food beverage sector

  • A minimum of 5 years experience of new product innovation process and project leadership

  • Possess experience and familiarity with innovation management software accolade

  • Has used accolade to drive projects generate reports on key metrics and status run gate meeting and managed the portfolio of project value maximization sufficiency balance and prioritization

  • Experience managing a broad range of complex projects across a diverse portfolio from

    concept through to finished and successfully launched product

  • A demonstrable record of influencing business process management and developing

    new systems and processes

  • Experience as best practice champion advocating continuous improvement

  • A proven track record of developing staff in both technical and administrative areas including the design and maintenance of training materials

  • Excellent more...


    via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/003428930.html

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