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Custom Search

1 ديسمبر 2013

Marketing Manager


The Company

Almarai is the largest integrated dairy foods company in the world with an unrivaled reputation synonymous with delivering excellence and quality across its entire range of products. Operating across the gulf region Almarai currently employs over 27000 employees servicing some 50000 retail outlets with a turnover that exceeded 2.6 billion in 2012

An aggressive expansion program together with acquisitions in new vertical markets have created an exciting opportunity to join a dynamic multinational team dedicated to furthering growth plans for the group

We now seek to add more than one proven marketing professional to our prize winning multinational management team.

The Ideal candidates will have a demonstrable career history in the following areas

Portfolio Performance

  • Lead the business in establishing managing and achieving the key performance indicators for your product portfolio including Market Share Gross Margin Awareness product trial dynamics amp Image attributes

  • Strategic analysis on competitor performance and capabilities reporting back to management on issues that may affect performance

  • Strategic review on costs working with Primary Supply Chain and pricing to ensure corporate margin targets are achieved

    Marketing Planning

    • Develop the strategic 5 Year Plan and effectively implements the plan within the agreed time schedule

    • Develop the marketing support and human resource plan for the portfolio to ensure interdepartmental resources are available to realize the plan

    • Lead cross functional dialogue to ensure that adequate resources both financial and capital are assigned and made available to realize the plan

      New Product Development

      • Lead the portfolioacirc128153s strategic NPD process and feeds into the 5 Year Plan

      • Leads the NPD Meetings and is responsible for the output of the meetings

      • Leads cross functionally the NPD strategy and ensures that adequate resources and skills are available

        Communication amp Media Planning

        • Leads the strategic management of the portfolioacirc128153s Agency of Record and resourcing requirements.

        • Leads and is responsible for the communication strategy for the portfolio ensuring that the key performance targets are achieved.

          People Management

          • Develops the Human Resource Plan for the portfolio ensuring that adequate resources are in place to support the annual and 5 year Plans.

          • Manages his direct reports and ensure that all staff within the team have KPI and MBO Performance agreements.

            This position will suit a marketing professional with a university business degree or marketing specialization and at least 7 years marketing andor brand management experience with a reputable FMCG multinational company. You will be abe to evidence well developed marketing skills supported by proven more...


            via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/marketing/003428924.html

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