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Custom Search

29 ديسمبر 2013

Finance Analyst Qatari National Only

A large commercial organisation in Doha Qatar are currently seeking a Qatari National for a Finance Analyst position.

The Financial Analyst of Financial Planning Budgeting is responsible for gathering and checking budget data and related narrative and to help prepare regular and adhoc reports for management and government authorities.


• Become familiar with reporting templates and ensure these are completed as required

• Flag gaps in data integrity and propose solutions work around caveat wordings to close out

• Prepare regular and ad hoc reports mainly in Excel and Word ensuring quality and presentation set the Department as leaders

• Suggest improvements in processes reporting and provide views on the meaning behind the reported numbers to aid seniors in delivery

• Contribute to Budgeting and Planning

• Take ownership of record keeping including correspondence and ensure data has an audit trail


Bachelor Degree in Accounting Finance or related field is a must. Professional certification is preferred.

2 4 Years Related experience.

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/doha/finance/003494124.html

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