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2 ديسمبر 2013



Vida Energy are currently working in partnership with a large energy provider in Saudi Arabia to recruit a number of Analyser technicians for one of their large chemical plant construction projects.

Applicants must have

Candidate must be degree qualified in Chemical Engineering have a technical diploma in the digital or instrumentation field or must have received certified electronics and digital training from a certified institution.

A minimum of 5 years experience in process OnStream Analyzers OSA related maintenance activities such as calibrations validation troubleshooting adjustments repairs and PM checks in a petrochemical oil amp gas refinery and chemical plants.

Ability to understand and troubleshoot OSA sample conditioning systems and sample recovery system.

Ability to utilize computer and related analyzer hardware and operating and communication software.

Ability to read amp interpret relevant diagrams schematics and symbols.

Must have experience in performing maintenance work which shall include but not limited to the following manufacturers and models control system for Analyzer shelter and Blending systems

1. Siemens Maxum II Gas Chromatographs GC

2. ABB PGC20075007

3. Bartec Benke Distillation Flash Point Viscosity RVP CFPP Cloud Point

4. AMETEK EDXRF Flue Gas Oxygen SRU

5. ATAC Viscosity

6. GEPanametrics Flue Gas Oxygen Process Oxygen Moisture

7. EMERSONRosemount pHConductivity Chlorine Diss O2 Viscosity

8. Servomex CO O2 SO2

9. Sarasota Density SG

10. Teledyne Hydrogen

11. COSA Hydrogen

12. Michell Moisture


14. Horiba WOBBE

15. FleximKPatent more...


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/technician/003431664.html

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