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25 نوفمبر 2013

Senior Piping Stress Engnieer Morson

The candidate will be a Senior Pipe Stress Analysis Engineer with a substantial recent and proven track record in onshore oil and gas refinery or petrochemical projects and will be able to demonstrate experience in a similar and relevant position of FEED and detail design.

Good communication and presentation skills are essential.

Some travel within and outside the UK may be required.

The individual will be selfmotivated and able to perform all stages of Pipe Stress Analysis with minimal supervision. Checking of other engineers work will also be expected.

Candidates must be able to demonstrate experience of visual assessment simplified analysis using manual or graphical methods and be competent in the use of latest version of CAESAR II stress analysis software.

Core Responsibilities

Independent stress and flexibility analysis of process piping design using manual and computer analysis methods with due regard to Safety and in compliance with international national and Client Codes Specifications amp Standards.

Candidates should be innovative in design work with true commitment to minimisation of cost whilst maintaining technical integrity.

Creating and thereafter maintaining Project Pipe Stress Analysis Design Criteria Specifications and Standards.

Preparation and checking of preliminary pipe stress reviews and reports for FEED projects to validate equipment layouts and confirm pipe loadings on equipment steelwork and foundations. For FEED this will involve visual or manual assessment of the piping layout and also computer calculations using the latest version of CAESAR II software.

Monitoring the checking approval and internal and external review of all Project Pipe Stress deliverables within his control to ensure that they meet company project and Client quality requirements.

Liaising with Clients Licensors other design disciplines and suppliers on technical and other piping design matters on a regular basis and in a professional manner

Providing technical support to the Plant Design Mechanical and Civil amp Structural departments.

When required supervising piping engineering work that may be executed in other UK offices or Mumbai India.

When required supervision of a small team of subordinate Project Piping Engineers downloading where necessary and appropriate project and corporate information directives and initiatives.

Preparing accurate and reliable progress reports and manhour forecasts for the Lead Piping Engineer.

Technical competency and experience

See SQEP grade


Significant experience in Petrochemical and Oil amp Gas FEED and EPC Design Projects in a similar role with similar international Design Contractors.

Significant experience of relevant piping codes and standards.

Good understanding and working knowledge of the relevant national and international standards design codes and legislation applicable to process plant piping materials and pipe stressing particularly ASME B31.3.

Selfmotivated thorough well organized methodical and commercially astute.

Proven track record in engineering design.

Proven decision making and problem solving abilities

Proven record of client satisfaction

Excellent communication and coordination skills.

Specific Accountabilities

Efficiently executing Pipe Stress Analysis work as directed by the Project Lead Piping Engineer or Chief Engineer

Understanding the Codes and Standards applicable to the work carried out.

Completing work within the allocated budget and in a timely manner to ensure that project deadlines are met.

Understanding the project scope of work including the required deliverables maintaining own work progress budget and schedule and when appropriate identifying any contractual scope changes.

Assisting with the preparation of accurate manhour forecasts and plans to execute the base scope and any additional work.

Allocation of work to any subordinate Pipe Stress Analysis Engineers under his supervision and control.

Working accurately and within the provisions and guidelines of the Company Quality Assurance system or that relevant to the Project ensuring that the applicable company systems are used that the relevant QA procedures are followed and that the pipe stress analysis within his area of responsibility conforms to the contract specific requirements and any applicable Client company national and international standards design codes and legislation and to identify deviations or raise technical queries where appropriate.

Safety acirc128147 responsible for personal safety safe working practices for the Project. Understand and follow OHampS procedures.

Status Contract Minimum Experience 10 years Location Manchester INTERNATIONAL nbsp Advert Published 25 Nov 2013 Expiry date 29 Nov 2013 Morson Ref. No.

72342NDE OilCareers Ref. No.

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003415692.html

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