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26 نوفمبر 2013
Professor of Biochemistry
Job Description
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The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU is a worldclass international university in the life and environmental sciences ranked in international surveys among the foremost universities in the world in its field. SLU is a researchintensive university that also offers a broad range of unique education programmes in fields such as agronomy veterinary medicine forestry environmental economics and landscape architecture. SLU has just over 3000 employees and 4000 students a turnover of just over SEK 3 billion and operations throughout Sweden with campuses at Alnarp Skara UmeAtildeyen Uppsala and elsewhere. The university has invested heavily in modern attractive campus environments for research and education.
The Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences is the largest of the four faculties at SLU with about 1900 students and 1300 employees. The Faculty contains a wide range of disciplines spanning over agriculture food and biotechnology to natural resources environment and landscape planning. Most of our departments are located in Uppsala 65 km north of Stockholm.
The Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology conducts research and education in the fields of inorganic chemistry physical chemistry structural chemistry organic chemistry biochemistry natural products chemistry and molecular biogeochemistry and develops their applications in such areas as for example nano and biomaterials. The Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology is part of Uppsala BioCenter and moved to the new BioCenter building in 2011. Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Chemistry and BiotechnologyyA position as Faculty Professor of Biochemistry is available within the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences. The position will be located at the new Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology the current Departments of Chemistry and Molecular Biology respectively. The Department is housed within the attractive new BioCenter in Ultuna Uppsala.
The Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology conducts teaching and research within Inorganic Chemistry Physical ChemistryStructural Chemistry Organic Chemistry Biochemistry Natural product Chemistry and Biochemistry and developes their applications including the nano and biomaterials areas.
Subject area
Biochemistry concerns studies of chemical processes in living organisms and also applications of such studies. The subject therefore includes energy conversion in biological systems biological materials and production and function of biological molecules. We favour applicants who are active in research on for example bioenergy biomaterials or plant biochemistry because these areasplement current activities at the BioCenter. This position is therefore not primarily intended for research in medicine or veterinary medicine.
The postholder shall develop and lead a distinguished group of scientists and have the ability to attract external funding. This includes taking advantage of collaborative opportunities both within the Department and the rest of SLU. The postholder shall participate in the planning and implementation of teaching and supervision at various levels as well as interact with the rest of society.
A person who has demonstrated both academic and teaching skills shall be qualified for appointment as a Professor. Applicants must be scientifically proficient in the subject area of the position applicants should have a PhD degree and be an Associate Professor or equiavalent. Applicants must be skilled in teaching and have the ability to integrate teaching and research.
Assessment criteria
Assessment for the appointment shall be based on the degree to which a candidate possesses the skills required to qualify for appointment. Furthermore regard shall be paid to the degree to which a candidate possesses administrative and other skills of importance taking into account the subject matter determined by the university for the position and the duties that the position will involve. Moreover regard shall be paid to the degree to which a candidate possesses skills in developing and managing activities and staff at the university and aptitude in interacting with the rest of society and informing people about research and development projects. Of these considerations special attention will be given to the applicant's academic and teaching skills.Place of work Uppsala
The scientific and pedagogic documentation submitted in support of the application shall be indicated in the application and one copy of each document shall be made available to the Registrar at the time of application. At most 10 scientific publications and at most 10 pedagogic publications including popularized versions should be submitted in support of the application. In addition aplete list of publications shall be supplied the publications submitted with the application must be indicated. When expert reviewers have been appointed the applicants will be informed to send copies of the documentation listed in the application to each one of the reviewers.Application
Application addressed to the ViceChancellor SLU quoting Ref no. SLU ua Dnr SLU ua 49222013 together with a current CV and other documents that the applicant wishes to submit must be received by the Registrar SLU P. O. Box 7070 SE750 07 Uppsala Sweden or registratorslu.se by February 28 2014.
It is desirable that the application is written in English because the applications will be evaluated by expert advisers both in Sweden and abroad.
SLU is an equal opportunity employer.
Further information
Vadim Kessler
vadim.kesslerslu.seTorleif HAtildecurrenrd
46018671380Further information about the formal application process
Elisabeth Pettersson
Administrative Officer
46 01867 10 25
elisabeth.petterssonslu.seA guide for applicants Appointment procedures for SLU and a Memorandum for Guidance in connection with applications for appointmentpromotion to professor and senior lecturer at SLU can be found at internt.slu.se. Documentation of scientific pedagogical and other qualifications must be presented in accordance with the instructions given in these documents.
Academic union representatives
Anneli Lundkvist SACO
via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003418297.html