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26 نوفمبر 2013

Energy Optimization Specialist Earthstream Global

149 Audit and review existing facilities to identify improvement opportunities potential problems and remedies to existing problems by working closely with the refineries gas plants and oil operating facilities within the Engineering organizations.

149 Participate in studies and investigations in collaboration with outside organizations related to new and existing facilities and systems.

149 Develop plans for reviewing and incorporating new technologies in the companies facilities and systems.

149 Conduct simulations and optimization studies using companies licensed software packages covering process simulation software.

149 Deliver presentations to an international audience of experts and publish technical papers.

149 Mentor engineers and future pipeline hydraulic and surge analysis specialists.

149 Possess excellent computer skills as well as excellent oralwritten presentation skills.

Status Staff Required SkillsExperience 149 Bachelor degree in Engineering. A M.S. or Ph.D. degree in Engineering or other advanced professional engineering degrees is highly desirable.

149 10 years of experience within process simulation and optimization applications.

149 Candidate should have extensive knowledge to conduct economic studies and cost analysis of facilities and systems.

Location Middle East INTERNATIONAL more...


via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003418266.html

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