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25 نوفمبر 2013

Process Engineer Leap29

Process Engineer Refinery Project

Are you a German speaker? Looking for a new project in a Refinery plant? Then this is the opportunity you have been waiting for.

My client is an Engineering company who specialize in Oil Gas and Refinery services mainly focusing on Concept Basic and Detailed engineering. With over 60 years in the industry they pride themselves on having the best loyal client base around. Which is why 80 of their work is repeat business this provides the company with growth impressive profits and cost advantages.

The client is currently looking for a member of the industry39s top talent to join their team as a Process Engineer. To be involved in the design phases of a Refinery Project.

The ideal Process Engineer candidate will be required to

Be involved in Basic and detailed design of the refinery

Perform process calculations

Process simulations

Develop P amp ID39s

Equipment design and specifications

Process specification for instruments

The perfect Process Engineer candidate Must possess

Be fluent with the German language

5 Years39 experience as a Process Engineer

Degree qualified

Experience in Refineries.

In return you can expect competitive rates of pay for your services.

Don39t hesitate and click the link below to apply.

Status Contract Minimum Experience 5 years Location Germany INTERNATIONAL nbsp Advert Published 25 Nov 2013 Expiry date 2 Dec 2013 Leap29 Ref. No.

J36128 OilCareers Ref. No.

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/engineer/003415718.html

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