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3 سبتمبر 2013
Purchasing Manager
1. Build and develop the procurement department and the development of procurement plans and policy and procedures. 2. To provide the needs of each section of the raw materials and develop appropriate budget. 3. Build and develop an annual plan for the needs of the raw materials needed. 4. Constant search for new suppliers of raw materials used in the manufacture or operation. 5. Build and develop strong relationships of suppliers and maintain. 6. Tender prices from suppliers, compare and choose the best. 7. Management of the negotiations with suppliers with respect to (the quality of the product prices, specifications, discounts, penalty clauses, returned goods, delivery mechanism, discounts, payment method, duration, etc. and sign contracts with them. 8. Action plan periodically with the end of each year and update policies and procedures. 9. Building structures and the different models used in the Procurement Service. 10. Keep purchase orders files internal and external, and quotations, contracts and forms used in the circuit and internal correspondence pertaining to the department. 11. Constant communication with warehouse management about the lack of inventory and the extent of absorption stores / warehouses of the required amounts of warehouse / inventory turnover rate movement. 12. Preparation of orders received from various departments and send / request via fax from approved suppliers and follow up until the receipt. 13. Review offers suppliers and answered in the affirmative or negative vote. 14. Follow-up changes in the prices of raw materials every day. 15. Contact with the requesting party of the goods, follow-up and p suppliers to ensure delivery of the goods / materials required in a timely and appropriate manner.
via JOBS-EG http://www.jobs-eg.com/job/purchasing-manager/11334/
via JOBS-EG http://www.jobs-eg.com/job/purchasing-manager/11334/
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وظائف تسويق ومبيعات
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وظائف خالية فى الإمارات
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