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29 نوفمبر 2013


PRIMARY TEACHERS ABU DHABI INTERVIEWS IN FEB 2014 Start Date AUGUSTSEPTEMBER 2014Interviews in London Dublin Abu Dhabi and the USA February 2014With over 15 years International Teacher recruitment experience Teachanywhere are proud to be a preferred recruitment partner of one of the most prestigious educational developments in the world today.As an experienced and qualified Primary Teacher you will be part of delivering a high quality education system that enables all learners to reach their full potential to support Abu Dhabi's growth and prosperity. Preparing all learners to contribute to and be competitive in the global society while preserving national identity local culture and traditions.Our Client has developed strategic plans to set out its approach towards creating the highest quality comprehensive system of education based on worldclass standards and expertise.This is an unrivaled opportunity for those who want to challenge their teaching skills are ready to be flexible and adapt to the cultural differences that arise when teaching in a country different from your own.This prestigious government funded project offers very competitive tax free salaries.2 year contract End of contract gratuity of 1 full month pay per year of service.£2100 £3300 per month tax free£250pm for holding a Masters degree depending on years of experienceMedical insurance for teacher and eligible family up to 3 dependents under 18yrs Flights for self. Flight allowance for dependents. YearlyHousing up to 3 bedroom apartment suited to dependent status. Single teachers get 1 bedroom apartment. No school fee allowance for dependents. Abu Dhabi UAE is one hour away from Dubai and is similarly westernised shiny and welcoming with beaches clubs restaurants and shopping galore. Abu Dhabi is the largest and wealthiest of the United Arab Emirates and is the capital of the UAE. Applicants must be fully qualified teachers and have state school teaching qualifications from the UK Ireland Australia New Zealand Canada or US such as a Bachelors or Masters of Education for Primary or a degree HDEPGCE for Primary or a Licensed Singaporean Teacher. Please contact your Teachanywhere Consul more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/teaching/003424782.html

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