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29 نوفمبر 2013

ERCM Project Manager

.Organisation Description

Leading international provider of facilities solutions to the oil amp gas production and processing industry with a diverse customer portfolio including many of the worldacirc128153s leading integrated independent and national oil amp gas companies. The group delivers services through seven business units Engineering amp Construction Engineering amp Construction Ventures Engineering Services Offshore Engineering amp Operations Training Services Production Solutions and Energy Developments. Through these businesses this organisation designs and builds oil amp gas facilities operates maintains and manages facilities and trains personnel enhances production and where it can leverage its service capability develops and coinvests in upstream and infrastructure projects. With more than 11000 employees this company operates out of five strategically located operational centres in Aberdeen Sharjah Woking Chennai and Mumbai and a further 19 offices worldwide. The predominant focus for business is on the UK Continental Shelf UKCS the Middle East and Africa the Commonwealth of Independent States CIS and the Asia Pacific region.

Job Description

Support the MEACA Crisis Management Team with plan development training and exercises in the area of emergency response and crisis management.

Identify and develop business opportunities in line with regional growth targets as defined by the ERCM Regional Manager AsiaPacMEACA.

Responsible for interpretation of requirements identification of deliverables assurance of quality and the allocation coordination and management of resources for all assigned projects.

Manage all aspects of a single or multiple projects client liaison coordination design amp delivery of all work.

Prepare project CTRs and Proposals in line with departmental standards.

Produce and quality assure all work required for the client.

Coordinate all time and resources in accordance with agreements with the client.

Ensure that all time and expenses against the project are accurately recorded and submitted in a timely fashion.

Person Specification

Interpreting client wishes and advising client on the requirements to meet their needs.

Preparing and developing complete CTRs amp Proposals to a high standard.

Meeting and tracking budget time allowances.

Organising trainingexercising events at company and client locations.

Achieving client satisfaction and therefore repeat work.

Taking advantage of opportunities to sell the Companyacirc128153s services at all times.

Collaborating closely with the MEACA Crisis Management Project Manager

Achieve annual sales revenue target and growth targets for allocated clients speciality

Meet service de more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/project-manager/003424794.html

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