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ابحث عن وظيفة

نحن نعمل جاهدا على ان نختصر لك الطريق فى الوصول الى الوظيفة المنشوده التى تبحث عنها لذا قمنا بإنشاء محرك بحث خاص بالموقع مدعوم شركة جوجل للبحث فى جميع الوظائف التى يتم نشرها على الموقع لذا يمكنك وبكل سهولة الوصول الى وظيفة فى مجال عملك من هنا. إرشادات يمكنك اتباعها لتسهيل عملية البحث عن وظيفة - اكتب فى محرك البحث بالأسفل كلمات تدل على المجال الذى ترغب فيه الأمثلة بالاسفل هى مجرد امثلة للبحث يمكنك تعديلها او الاضافة عليها البحث عن طريق استخدام التخصص مثل: وظائف للمحاسبين وظائف للصيادلة البحث عن طريق إستخدام المكان: وظائف فى فنادق وظائف شاغرة فى دبى وظائف فى بنوك وظائف فى شركة اتصالات وظائف فى السفارة الأمريكية أبحث عن وظيفة فى مجالك بإستخدام صندوق البحث بالأسفل

ابحث عن وظيفة في مجالك

Custom Search

30 نوفمبر 2013

Personal Assistant

Work closely with the Managing Director to provide administrative support and make the best use of his time by dealing with secretarial and administrative tasks.

Will need extensive knowledge of the organisation in which they work. They need to know who key personnel are both external and internal and understand the organisation's aims and objectives.

Delegated works should be handled efficiently in his absence. Discretion and confidentiality are therefore essential attributes for the job.

Responsibilities include not limited to

1 devising and maintaining office systems including data management and filing

2 arranging travel visas and accommodation and occasionally travelling with the manager to take notes or dictation at meetings or to provide general assistance during presentations

3 screening phone calls enquiries and requests and handling them when appropriate

4 meeting and greeting visitors at all levels of seniority

5 organising and maintaining diaries and making appointments

6 dealing with incoming email faxes and post often corresponding on behalf of the manager

7 taking dictation and minutes carrying out background research and presenting findings

8 producing documents briefing papers reports and presentations

9 organising and attending meetings and ensuring the manager is well prepared for meetings

10 liaising with clients suppliers and other staff.

11 carrying out specific projects and research

12 responsibility for accounts and budgets

13 taking on some of the manager's responsibilities and working more closely with management

14 deputising for the manager making decisions and delegating work to others in the manager's absence

15 being involved in decisionmaking processes.


•An undergraduate degree or equivalent preferably in Business related disciples or sufficient experience to offset the above requirement.

•Experience in the industry.

•35 years’ experience in a secretarial role.

•Experience Managing under budget.

•Working knowledge of Good Operations Practices.

•Selfmotivated able to work on own initiative.

•Understanding of the functions and workings of the office and the ability to work directly with all levels and functions.

•High level of customer service orientation.

•Has a strength of character to put point forward.

•Change orientated to make business improvements.

•Resilient and able to cope with setbacks.

•Willing to put in the hours as and when required.

•Should be able to accept and acknowledge constructive criticism and suggestions.

•Should be able to read write and understand English fluently.

•Should be able to communicate effectively and clearly.

•Strong presentation and communication skills verbal and written.

•Strong planning project management and organising skills.

•Strong leadership skills to lead motivate and manage a team.

•Strong interpersonal skills to work with internal teams and external suppliers and customers.

•Strong multicultural and International perspective.

•Strong negotiation skills in building relationships and effectively closing the deals for a win win outcome.

•Analytical and logical with good numerical and costing skills.

•A fast and creative problem solver.

•Good computer skills.

•Knowledge of Microsoft office and other software’s like SAP etc.

•Knowledge of local labour laws.

•A good understanding of quality assurance procedures and protocols.

•Understanding of BRC requirements and risk management.

•Knowledge of profit and loss and Balance sheets.

•Knowledge of management techniques including KPIs SWOT analysis for the recruitment selection and development of employees you are responsible for.

via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/dubai/003426622.html

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