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24 نوفمبر 2013

EHS Manager MEA

. Purpose of the Job

Responsible for the development and implementation of the Management System for ISO 9001 and 14001 where applicable together with process owners. Will interface with customers suppliers Alstom internal functions and field personnel.


Be the local Management representative for EHS issues and give input to the Management Reviews at EMEA level

Maintain and improve Alstom ECS EMEA Management system together with the EMEA Head of EHS

Train new staff and consultants in the Management System

Regular training for staff in the Management System

Coordinate suggest the improvement of the Processes with the Process Owners and EMEA Head of nd EHS

Coordinate and perform internal audits aswell as site audits

Maintain existing certifications and acquire new certifications as company policy directs

Audit subcontractor Management System

Participate in external EHSmanagement programs for benchmarking best practice and to hold management team informed of new and coming trends

Monitor and analyze KPI's

Ensure that all EHS nonconformance reports are followed up and corrected together with the responsible person for the NonConformity.

Contact with authorities regarding environmental and work environmental issues

Maintain EHS Roadmap for the site

Implement sector EHS directive more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/003413161.html

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