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ابحث عن وظيفة في مجالك

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13 أكتوبر 2013

SingersActors needed for YouTube Video

So you want to be in a viral video? Read on.

We're shooting a 'parody' video to Taylor Swift 22 and need talented people! This is being shot for a major event in Dubai.

ConceptnbspFUN! Wholesome fun! Just a couple of friends hanging out. Very similar to the video.nbsp

Look at the following catergories and if you'd like to be part of this video send us a little bit about yourself. Also your email and phone number. Don't be shy! ps. Please don't call.

Lead SingerActress

  • Female

  • between 1825 if you look young please apply.

  • Girl next door look. Simple casual natural.

  • Able to sing. Listen to 22 and if you think you can do a good job we'd like to hear you! You'll be singing to the karoke version of the song mostly alone.

  • BackupGoup Singers and Actors

    • Female and Male

    • Also between 1825 and young looking.

    • Able to carry a tune for females only

    • Schedule

      DAY ONE Approx. 1 Hr. RehearsalOverview.
      We'll meet to discuss the concept of the video and arrange the schedule. We'll hand over the lyrics so that you can practice.

      DAY TWO Approx. 23 hrs. Studio RecordingLeads only. This is where the lead singer and backup will have the track recorded. It really shouldn't take more than 3 hours. The song is catchy and easy.

      DAY THREE TBA VIDEO SHOOTThe video will be recorded. It should be able to be completed in one day. Very straight forward.nbspnbsp

      We're not looking for superstars. We want people to have fun and be part of a potential viral video based in Dubai! Come with a great attitude! There is no monetary compensation but there will be freebies. More on the later. You'll get a copy of the recording and video!

      via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/%26-8238%3b-%d8%af%d8%a8%d9%8a-%26-8238%3b/003321369.html

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