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10 أكتوبر 2013

MEP Technical Manager – Luxury Hotels – Saudi Arabia


Our Client is an international consultant offering both structural engineering and MEP engineering professional services.

With offices in Canada UK and Middle East the organisation is active in each of these regions with the UAE office providing document delivery and technical support to all regional offices.

A Technical Manager MEP is now required to be based from the Saudi Arabian office which has been in operation for over 2 years.

The role will involve the initiation and implementation of a quality management' system for the efficient delivery and technical excellence of documentation prepared by the Saudi office.

The position will require responsibility to manage a range of engineering tasks of varied scope and complexity and assume responsibility for planning and managing resources. It will also be necessary to produce manage detail designs documentation reports proposals and specifications to meet client requirements and accepted design guidelines for projects of reasonable complexity. This will also involve working with other offices within the group which may involve travel from time to time.

The position involves providing leadership and mentoring to a team of engineers with a focus on providing conceptual designs support and mentoring in the delivery of Building Services designs. You will also be expected to assist with some commercial elements of the business when necessary.


Building engineering expertise within the firm and to work with other senior management to establish ADG as an international firm with an excellent international reputation

Build the electromechanical department and managesupervise staff

Build relationships with existing clients and expand new business where possible

Participate and contribute to leadership strategy and planning to achieve international engineering and design firm

Identify recruit and hire staff in alignment with the defined structure

Develop the expertise and capabilities of staff within the department

Work with other departments to keep the firm at the forefront of building engineering and technology

Project Delivery

Plan department resources in alignment with project requirements

Produce high quality and innovative engineering

Work with the team to deliver projects ensuring coordination between all disciplines

Take responsibility for budget performance programme environment sustainability specific goals both client and firm

Business Development

Work with other senior management to develop proposals both technical and financial

Attend and participate in industry conferences

Work with Directors in pursuit of business opportunities

Take responsibility for company design presentations

Applicants will be degree qualified with international experience gained in a senior role within a consulting engineers.

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/hotel/003317043.html

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