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10 أكتوبر 2013

MEP Project Director General Manager – Luxury Hotel – Saudi Arabia

. Roles Responsibilities • Depth Study of drawings specifications and provide technical clearance to subordinates such as site engineers site foremen. • Follow up with consultant for material subcontractors submittal and approval on time in coordination with main contractorsconsultantsclients. • Timely submission of clarification if found any variance with drawings and actual site condition. • Produce sufficient data for Variation Orders and timely communicate to client in coordination with General Manager Contract Estimation section. • Responsibilities of managing the all ManagersEngineersSubcontractors and shall cover complete MEP systems. • Governance and oversight of all project activities and assigned work responsibilities to site engineers and foremen. • Should be familiar with MEP systems such as Electrical ELV HVAC Plumbing Drainage GAS Fire Protection and Fire Alarm systems. • Responsible for overall plan designengineering coordination and implementation execution of respective services including control and monitoring of progress. • To comprehensively study the relevant international standards local regulations standards and practices and adopt the same applicable. • To carry out the design and drawings ensuring its optimization and full compliance with the contract including local regulations practices laws. • To prepare comprehensive builder’s works drawings with coordination among all P. Es and any other parties if required for the best implementation and installation of services. • Identify training needs of the project team members reporting him and arrange for suitable training for them in consultation with C.M for furtherance of their professional skills and competence. • To prepare AsBuilt Drawings and O M Manuals. • To initiate prepare Engineering Material submittals Vendor approvals RFI’s ITP’s Method Statement etc. • Prepare schedule of work Bill of Material and float the enquiries for subcontract works Materials Systems as per the contract specifications and drawings. • Evaluate offers and prepare a comparative statement with respect to technical. • Carryout necessary followups with vendors suppliers subcontractors for timely execution delivery of the ordered items. • Inspect in conjunction with QC Engineer the material delivered to the site stores and there upon prepare submit the inspection request to the Consultants. • To plan and timely arrange any special unloading storage requirements in co ordination with Project Manager MEP Coordinator and Construction Manager • Carryout followups with respect to replacement delivery of any defective rejected materials or short delivered items. • Ensuring that the quality of material and installation of works are in accordance with the acceptance criteria specifications approved materials and methods of installation approved for the project. • Efficient planning and optimum utilization of Material and Manpower. • Ensuring that all information drawings are issued conveyed to the workforce in a proper manner and details produced are in compliance to the requirement. • Follow up with subcontractor for delivery of material on time. • Attend all weekly managementconsultantmain contractorclient meeting and follow up the action assigned on the specified dates without any delays. • ONLY CANDIDATES WITH MEP LUXURY HOTELS PROJECT EXECUTION INSTALLATION COMPANY EXPERIENCE WILL BE CONSIDERED. • Excellent communication skills. • Analyitical ability • Knowledge of safety standards • Good knowledge of project planning team handling ability ability to adhere to schedules and getting the same executed. Education Professional Degree in Engineering ElectricalMechanical is a must and Master more...


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/hotel/003317003.html

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