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17 أكتوبر 2013

Interior Designer

Plan design and furnish interiors of residential commercial or industrial buildings. Formulate design which is practical aesthetic and conducive to intended purposes such as raising productivity selling merchandise or improving life style. May specialize in a particular field style or phase of interior design.


Select or design and purchase furnishings art works and accessories

Subcontract fabrication installation and arrangement of carpeting fixtures accessories draperies paint and wall coverings art work furniture and related items.

Render design ideas in form of pasteups or drawings

وصف الشركة

Middle East Mattress Factory Sealy at Jeddah Saudi Arabia is the No. 1 bedding brand in the world and America’s No. 1 selling mattress according to Furniture Today “American well distributed magazine” and we are the only company licensed by Sealy as sole manufacturer throughout Saudi Arabia Gulf States and North Africa.

Today Sealy Corporation is the largest bedding manufacturer in North America. Sealy manufacturers and markets a broad range of mattresses and foundations under the SEALY SEALY POSTUREPEDIC SEALY BACK SAVERâ ORTHOZONE POSTURE PREMIER AND SEALY POSTUREMATIC brand names.

Sealy employs more than 6000 individuals has 43 plants and sells its products to customers in over 8000 retail outlets in the United States.

We are producing different models to satisfy the requirements of our valued customers. All models are made according to American SEALY standards. Every model has its own features which cares about back pains etc.

Our motto is to provide a good sleep with complete satisfaction.

via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/%d8%b1%d8%a3%d8%b3-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ae%d9%8a%d9%85%d8%a9/graphic-designer/003325345.html

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