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Custom Search

10 أكتوبر 2013

HR Manager

Business Segment

Healthcare Eastern African Growth Markets

About Us

GE Healthcare's Healthcare Systems business provides a wide range of technologies and services for clinicians and healthcare administrators that can help caregivers improve the consistency quality and efficiency of patient care everywhere. These technologies help provide fast noninvasive ways for doctors to see broken bones diagnose trauma cases in the ER view the heart and its function or identify the early stages of cancers or brain disorders. With Xray digital mammography CT MR and Molecular Imaging technologies GE creates industryleading products that allow clinicians to see inside the human body more clearly than ever. In addition with efforts in ultrasound ECG bone densitometry patient monitoring interventional imaging incubators and infant warmers respiratory care anesthesia management and a wide range of technologies and services for clinicians and healthcare administrators GE's Healthcare Systems business enables clinicians to provide better care for millions of patients every day from wellness check ups to advanced diagnostics to lifesaving treatment. Quality GE Healthcare is committed to Quality and Compliance in every decision we make every action we take believing that this benefits patients customers and our business. We support Quality and Compliance in all that we do through two fundamentals The Spirit ... the integrity of our products processes and actions The Letter ... the adherence to the rules to make sure our products and practices are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. What makes GE Healthcare different? Leadership Learning Learning is more than a classroom activity. It's how we come together to embrace change develop skills for change and get energized. GE spends more than 1 billion annually in employee development and leadership training. What makes GE Healthcare different? Highintegrity business practices Ours is an invigorating high performance environment that emphasizes highintegrity business practices. We seek to lead in workplace and marketplace integrity by respecting the human rights of everyone touched by our business and by enforcing legal and financial compliance.

Role SummaryPurpose

The HR Manager Client Support is responsible for implementing and supporting Human Resources HR generalist duties for a business group or team. The HR Manager is responsible for supporting a primarily domestic client base of approximately 200 employees or less. The HR Manager Client Support is an individual contributor with no direct reports.

Essential Responsibilities

Providing leadership direction and expertise for the full scope of HR functions including salaried and nonsalaried employee relations employee compensation employee engagement and organizational design and change Leading and leveraging GE HR processes within the business Performance Management Salary PlanningReward Management Succession Planning and Talent Management crossfunctional communication and the transfer of learning and best practice sharing within the HR network Coaching and counseling employees regarding HR policies and procedures relative to transfer promotion compensation benefits and conditions of employment Focusing on identification selection and retention of worldclass talent to ensure a dynamic pipeline of talent Serving as an employee advocate balancing fair labor standards GE policy and practice and business needs Partnering with client leadership and local HR counterparts to plan and execute strategies that ensure maximum engagement of human resource capital Proactively managing HR systems in order to maintain integrity of employee and organizational data Quality Specific Goals 1. Aware of and comply with the GEHC Quality Manual Quality Management System Quality Management Policy Quality Goals and applicable laws and reg


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/riyadh/003317074.html

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