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16 أكتوبر 2013
Environmental Planner Abu Dhabi
AECOM seek an Environmental Planner who will contribute to the conception of creative contextually responsive and economically viable environmental planning strategies and solutions. The Environmental Planner will provide technical expertise on specific and allocated projects. As part of a project team the incumbent will provide input into the review of project design standards philosophy and approach while considering client requirements and expectations.
Duties amp Responsibilities
- Coordinating and fulfilling of a number of responsibilities drawing on knowledge of the studio to
- Generating written and illustrative planning principles concepts strategies controls and guidelines.
- Applying a rigorous approach to all projects and deliver environmental planning and design solutions within accepted professional and client parameters
- Preparing and write reports for planning and design projects
- Participating in design workshops with clients and staff as appropriate to the projects
- Supporting the development of the Planning studio and participate in the strategic development of inhouse design standards
- Working closely with the studio team drawing on knowledge of senior staff and specialized resources to coordinate and manage project staff to achieve timely and high quality project design and presentation outcomes
- Contributing to the team environment practicing open communication a participative approach to meetings and work and commitment to projects
- Other duties may be assigned this document is not intended to be an exhaustive list of duties and responsibilities.Specific Skills Required
- Expertise in Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office Suite. Working knowledge of CAD and GIS beneficial
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to liaise effectively with staff and at all levels
- Good knowledge of local regional market with established networks and contacts preferable
- Person Specification Personality Attributes
- Quality and productivity in execution of duties and responsibilities as outlined above
- Demonstrated a high level of accuracy and attention to detail in written work
- Demonstrates a willingness to learn and contribute to own continuing professional development
- Timeliness and accuracy of completing tasks
- Demonstrated innovation in developing solutions for projects
- Effective collaboration degree and level of input and professional assistance given to key contacts including all staff and suppliers
- Progress in the development of Project Management skills financial client staff and project management and delivery
- Successful progression and achievement towards goals set forth at beginning of evaluation period
Minimum Requirements
A practitioner with a minimum of 25 years experience in a Planning role within a multidiscilnary practice who has previous experience of successfully managing project teams and exhibits commitment to teambuilding and fostering positive studio morale. Has a strong portfolio of realized work which demonstrates excellent technical capabilities.
Preferred Qualifications
Qualified to degree level in Planning or similar with Master's degree is advantageous.
What We Offer
AECOM is a place where you can put your innovative thinking and business skills into high gear and work alongside other highly intelligent and motivated people. It's a place where you can apply your skills to some of the world's most challenging interesting and meaningful projects worldwide. It's a place that values the diversity of our areas of practice and our people. more...EJ
via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/airlines/003323337.html
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منتديات سما ايجى - موارد بشرية
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