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16 أكتوبر 2013

Environmental Manager Abu Dhabi


AECOM seeks an experienced Environmental Manager who will manage and control the overall environmental compliance associated with a proposed rail project in the UAE. The successful candidate should be familiar with the environmental regulations in the UAE andor understands the environmental challenges and concerns that a new rail project presents. You will have a B.S. or M.S. in Environmental EngineeringScience and relevant environmental experience in the rail or linear transport sector. Project experience in the Middle East will be desirable.

Duties and Responsibilities include

  • Reviewing commenting and ensuring compliance of the Contractor prepared Construction Environment Management Plans CEMP with the approved Environmental Impact Assessment EIA for the project and its approval conditions specified by the regulatory authorities.

  • Managing and leading any interface requirements with the environmental regulatory authorities for permitting needs during all stages of the project.

  • Reviewing any design and alignment drawings and feedback on compliance with the approved EIA requirements.

  • Ensuring that all established environmental requirements are implemented and maintained by Contractors across all site activities.

  • Monitoring Contractor adherence to the Project environmental commitments specified in the approved EIA and its approval conditions.

  • Leading environmental monitoring site inspections and audits reporting noncompliances and following up on Contractor responses.

  • Identifying and assessing environmental impacts associated with Contractor activities and developing appropriate environmental responses including advising on remedial actions.

  • Tracking environmental issuesconcerns incidents noncompliances etc. and providing daily andor weekly reports on environmental performance remedial actions taken and outstanding environmental issues.

  • Maintaining a regular interface with Contractor's Environmental Specialist on environmental compliance related issues.

  • Providing technical expertise for a variety of environmental issues that may arise during construction.

  • Conducting periodic awareness training for PMC's sitebased teams in understanding the environmental compliance requirements.

    What We Offer

    AECOM is a place where you can put your innovative thinking and business skills into high gear and work alongside other highly intelligent and motivated people. It's a place where you can apply your skills to some of the world's most challenging interesting and meaningful projects worldwide. It's a place that values the diversity of our areas of practice and our people. more...


    via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/003323329.html

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