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30 أكتوبر 2013

Chief MEP Engineer



A. Supervision Received

  • Receives operational supervision from a Project Manager or senior Project Engineer.

  • Receives administrative and technical supervision from an Engineering Manager Manager of Engineering or a senior Project Engineer.

  • Assignments given in terms of broad general objectives and limits.

    B. Supervision Exercised

    • Exercises operational supervision over the engineers of all disciplines and architects assigned to the project or portion of the project.

      C. Contacts

      • As the point of BechtelClient contact on engineering aspects of assigned project or portions of a project maintains regular client contact for progress of work exchange of information advice.

      • Represents Engineering in respect of major items with suppliers and project personnel in jobsite conferences.


        • Directs and coordinates engineering activities for the project or assigned portion including supervision of engineers of all disciplines within a global business unit.

        • Establishes or assists in establishing the detailed project execution plan and the development of the overall project engineering budget and schedule.

        • Inputs to and owns the engineering elements of a project capital estimate proposals and execution quantities and budgets.

        • Performs and manages the work in accordance with relevant Engineering Department Procedures EDPs design guides and Bechtel Standard Application Programs BSAPs.

        • Develops design and procurement schedules for approval.

        • Prepares approves or recommends approval of project procedures for engineering as required.

        • Coordinates engineering effort with Project Manager Procurement Construction Startup Environmental Safety and Health ESampH and Project Controls when assigned.

        • When assigned directs engineering activities in preparation of project proposals including estimates for engineering staffing quantities scope reviews schedules and coordination with Business Development and other functional groups.

        • Conducts annual performance reviews in accordance with approved procedures and holds career development discussions.

        • Reviews and approves design documents change orders material requisitions and specifications for construction or procurement use.

        • Supervises the preparation of reviews and endorses bid analyses and recommendations for procurement of equipment material and services within Engineering's scope of responsibility.

        • Resolves field initiated questions on engineering.

        • Visits jobsite as required for exchange of information.

        • Coordinates activities among the design groups on the project.

        • Initiates requests for specialized professional services.

        • Initiates BechtelClient correspondence related to the engineering portion of the contract.

        • Reviews project engineering progress against approved schedules evaluates changes and takes corrective action when required.

        • Makes recommendation to Engineering Management of key personnel for project assignments.

        • Manages the flow of information required from third parties to assure the timely progress of the engineering work.

        • Prepares or directs the preparation of project studies reports forecasts special engineering reports and plant data book.

        • Ensures that Technical Risk Assessments are comprehensive and complete safety practices and procedures are implemented and engineering design and corresponding design documentation are in compliance with project Quality Assurance plan and procedures.

        • Communicates complex technical issues and recommends solutions to client project and functional management as directed and as appropriate.

        • Champions the creation of a project work environment supported by leadership on the projectprogram which fosters openness trust communication teamwork empowerment innovation and satisfaction. .


          • Technical knowledge of related engineering systems engineering calculations applications of engineering and construction methods and materials and engineering application of computers.

          • Proficient knowledge of project engineering processes and procedures.

          • Knowledge of related construction practices and the economics involved and current knowledge of new methods of design and construction.

          • Proficient knowledge on planning application and coordination of 2D andor 3D Computer Aided Design CAD design processes on a project.

          • Knowledge of industryregulatory codes and standards and design criteria pertinent to the particular discipline.

          • Skill in oral and written communication.

          • Demonstrated skill in supervision.
            The above is normally acquired through

            • A recognized degree in architecture an engineering or scientific discipline from an accredited college or university OR

            • A professional license in an appropriate discipline from a recognized licensing board OR

            • Specialized courses in relevant general engineering architectural design or an appropriate engineering discipline AND

            • Progressive work experience including supervision preferably in project and staff design engineering or architectural design but may include other relevant types of engineering including startup field engineering or plant operation in large industrial plants utilities process plants or engineeringconstruction firms.
              Bechtel is among the most respected engineering procurement and construction companies in the world. We stand apart for our ability to get the job done right no matter how big how complex or how remote. The reliability of our performance the enduring quality of our projects the strength of our ethics and the seriousness of our commitment to safety and sustainability are evident in everything we do. Bechtel delivers for its customers what others can only promise.

              Build your career as you build some of the most challenging and complex projects in the world today.

              via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/engineer/003351016.html

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