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17 أكتوبر 2013

Academic Director Fashion Design

Raffles Design Institute Riyadh is an exciting joint venture between Raffles Education Corporation Asia Pacific’s leading and largest private education provider and Al Rushaid Group one of Saudi Arabia’s leading and diversified enterprises. nbspOpening in 2013 Raffles Design Institute will be delivering international creative and enriching Advanced Diplomas to a new generation of Saudi women.

We are looking for an innovative leader and educator to lead the academic team in Riyadh. This appointment is a 2 years renewable contract. In addition to taxfree income we provide benefits such as return flights accommodation and transportation to the successful candidate.

The Academic Director is expected to provide academic leadership to her colleagues and also ensuring the high standard academic quality delivery are maintained and enhanced.


Management of all academic programmes and academic staff professional development trainings delivered in the college to support the College Director to achieve her objective of achieving target set by the Regional Vice President and or the Group.

Assist the College Director to ensure all full compliance with all regulatory requirements governing education and academic delivery and quality.

Ensure compliance with all RUS academic and quality assurance policies and practices and those of the universitiescolleges of which the College is offering their programmes.

Provide leadership to Program DirectorsCoordinators and academic staff including but not limited to addressing faculty motivation discipline welfare and faculty training amp professional development.

Assist the College Director with the selection of faculty to ensure that only qualified staff are hired to deliver programmes and assist in obtaining approval from universitiescolleges of which the College is offering their programmes and the regulatory bodies.

Continuous improvement of curriculum and delivery through constant review of industry needs pedagogy teaching materials and facilities in consultation with RUS amp the College Director

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/graphic-designer/003325335.html

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