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30 سبتمبر 2013

Staff Nurse Home Health Care Pfizar Project

Position holder will be responsible about delivering high standard of care to patients in their respective homes inclusive of assisted living personal care homes and independent living facilities provides indirect patient care according to standard operating procedures. He She collaborates with physicians and multidisciplinary team members provides physical and psychological support to patients and supervises assigned team members.

1.Performs all Nursing Interventions and patient care activities safely and as per Hospital Departmental Unit specific policies procedures and Nursing Practice Standards.

2.Assess plans implements and evaluates nursing interventionsnursing care provided for patients.

3.Provides Nursing Care according to the documented care Plan.

4.Manages the performance of caregivers and directs the provision of care to patients requiring general specific and complex procedures of care.

5.Organizes documents and assesses caregivers skills and competencies on a regular basis

6.Is aware of and practices within appropriate Scope of Practice Guidelines

7.Demonstrates compassion for patientsfamilies and respect for cultural beliefs and practices

8.Ensures the maintenance of a safe working environment in collaboration with the Coordinator Home Healthcare.

9.Maintains confidentiality whilst promoting effective communication within the unitdepartment

10.Enhances professional growth and development through participation in educational programs current literature inservice meetings and workshops.

11.Performs other related duties as assigned by Coordinator Home Healthcare.



Local candidates with Filipino nationality only.

Holding MOH valid licensed.

Can join immediately with one or two weeks maximum.

Females Staff Nurse are highly preferable.

Presentable with good communication skills.

Offer Provisions

Position Staff Nurse

Department Home Health Care Pfizar Project.

Total salary is 350 KD.

Self medical insurance.

Ticket once each 2 years.

Overtime is applicable as per Kuwait Labor Law.

8 working hours duty 800am 500 pm with 2 days Off.

via http://kuwait.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-kuwait/automotive/003296838.html

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