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12 سبتمبر 2013

Senior General Ledger Accountant

This position will be responsible for administering all aspects of the accounting function

including payroll processing for transmittal to the payroll service financial reporting and month end close.

Job Duties


• Process payroll on a bimonthly basis for transmittal to payroll service

• Prepare the bimonthly timesheet allocation and corresponding journal entry

• Followup with staff on outstanding timesheets

• Review timesheets for errors and make any necessary corrections

• Setup and train new employees on the timesheet system

• Respond to any staff questions regarding timesheets or pay stubs

• Reconcile the Quarterly Form 941 to the General Ledger

Cash Revenue

• Perform bank account transfers as directed by CFO and Controller

• Review cash receipts journal entry prepared by the AP Senior Accountant

Accounts Payable

• Review Accounts Payable batch prepared by the AP Senior Accountant for the following

• Review the corporate credit card journal entries and supporting documentation prepared by AP Senior


Month End Close Financial Reports

• Review vendor activity to ensure all monthly invoices have been received and processed

• Review contract obligations to ensure all contract invoices have been received and processed

• Perform the operating cash account reconciliation and related journal entries

• Perform various detailed monthend allocations for fringe benefits shared costs and indirect cost


• Record the release from restrictions revenue journal entry

• Record Federal grant revenue journal entry and related grant receivable

• Run FRx department financial reports

• Setup new reports in FRx

• Review all month end reconciliations and journal entries prepared by the AP Senior Accountant

• Perform various account reconciliations and work to r


Education Training Experience

• Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting Required

• CPA or CPA candidate preferred

• Five plus years experience in nonprofit accounting field

• Excellent written and verbal communication skills

• Working knowledge of nonprofit accounting standards

• Experience with Microsoft Office Excel and Word

• Experience with Great Plains accounting software

• Experience with FRx Financial Report Writer


Education Training Experience • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting Required • CPA or CPA candida

via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/abu-dhabi/accountant/003261194.html

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