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Custom Search

11 سبتمبر 2013

Senior Counsel


Senior Counsel

Competitive Taxfree Salary

KAUST is an international graduatelevel meritbased research university in the world dedicated to advancing science and technology through innovative and collaborative research and addressing challenges of regional and global significance. KAUST is constantly pushing the boundaries of research development and education in the Middle East.

Located on the beautiful Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia KAUST sets exceptional standards in residences recreational facilities and boasts a truly multicultural environment which can be enjoyed by all. It’s the perfect setting to live and work for all employees and their families whilst also offering internationally competitive tax free salaries and outstanding benefits to entice top talent from around the world.

Currently KAUST has an exciting employment opportunity for a Senior Counsel. The Senior Counsel provides legal research support and advice to all functional areas of the King Abdullah University of Science amp Technology. Qualifications for Senior Counsel below

• A law degree from an accredited U.K. or U.S. law school with strong academic credentials.

• Minimum of 5 years of experience practicing in a broad range of legal areas within a complex organizational structure preferably in a higher education or research institution.

• Qualified to practice law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the United States the United Kingdom or an equivalent jurisdiction.

• Knowledge of Shari’ a law and Middle East culture is desirable.

For further information please visit the employment pages of our website at httpapptrkr.com386027 . All applications must be submitted through this site for consideration.



See job description.

وصف الشركة

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST is being built in Saudi Arabia as an international graduatelevel research university dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achievement in the Kingdom that will also benefit the region and the world. KAUST is the realization of a decadeslong vision of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/003259318.html

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