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11 سبتمبر 2013

Production Analysis Process Engineer Spencer Ogden

Production Analysis Engineer Process Engineer

Our client is an integrated energy company operating at each stage of the oil value chain with nearly 12.000 employees worldwide. Among others it is engaged in petroleum and natural gas exploration and production activities with several blocks in four countries at the moment Spain Algeria Colombia and Peru.

In the last few years our client39s Exploration amp Production business headquartered in Madrid Spain has quadrupled its staff and employs today around 650 people worldwide. The company is now gradually broadening its international presence and investing in EampP activities strongly supported by IPIC Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Investment Company which in 2011 became the sole shareholder of Our Client.

Our main lines of action for the near future will focus on strengthening our position in the sector and we therefore intend to reinforce our presence in new geographical areas with high development potential with the goal of achieving a significant increase in net entitlement reserves

In order to achieve our goals we are currently looking for high quality professionals who are able to make a difference and ready to work in an integrated and multicultural team. We offer a competitive salary package and genuine opportunities for career development.

The successful candidate will be based in Algeria in the Subsurface Department and reporting to a Subsurface Manager. He She will be responsible for monitor and optimise production and injection within the clients oilfield using production and reservoir engineering skill sets. Identify areas where production can be improved and propose and implement solutions.

Key responsibilities

Analyse and validate well tests create well models and responsible for generating MPFM and separator testing plans to sufficiently track field.

Monitor performance of the field and individual wells and make recommendations on optimizing gaslift to the wells as well as improving performance and investigate problems.

Generate production and injection guidelines to produce field target rate according to sound reservoir and production engineering practices.

.Monitoring performance of the field and individual wells making 220000 bopd and injecting 350000 bwpd and 100mmscfd gas on a daily basis. Make recommendations on optimizing gaslift to the wells. Identify and investigate problems their causes and propose solutions to improve performance.

.Responsible for generating MPFM and separator testing plans to sufficiently track field. Analyse and validate well tests. Create well models based on well test results and keep updated.

.Generate production and injection guidelines to produce field target rate according to sound reservoir and production engineering practices using well test results and within field operational capacity constraints. Follow up with Operations department that guidelines are being implemented.

.Prepare well programs to undertake separator testing production logs and stimulations as required.

.Ensure that production and injection data perforation data and plug data is all accurately maintained within databases in a timely manner. Proposemake modifications to improve gathered data where possible.


Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering Industrial Engineering or equivalent.

Minimum of 5 years39 experience in either production or reservoir engineering. Well experienced in well operations workovers and interventions. Field well intervention experience is considered an asset.

Knowledgeable in Nodal Analysis and familiarity using Prosper GAP Saphir and Emeraude.

Fluent in English a good level of French will be well regarded.

Good spreadsheet and database computer skills.

For more information about this role please contact our London office

Status Staff Minimum Experience 4 years Location Algeria INTERNATIONAL nbsp Advert Published 11 Sep 2013

via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/engineer/003259241.html

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