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Custom Search

1 سبتمبر 2013

QAQC Engineer

ACC Al Arrab Contracting Company is seeking QAQC Engineer candidates to interview immediately.

Reports to QAQC Manager.

Project HHR.

Qualifications Civil Engineering or equivalent degree.

If available immediately apply indicating your salary expectations and current location via email william..sa.

Invites to connect also welcome httpza.linkedin.cominwilliamvernes.


Minimum requirements Skills

7 years experience in QAQC in construction.

Reinforcement steel and concrete checking against shop drawings.

Construction standards and codes experience.

Roads bridges and infrastructure experience is an advantage.

Strong personality and leadership with good communication skills.

Computers and reporting skills.

Fluent in English Arabic is an advantage.

Being a Saudi nationals would be a serious advantage.

Being already located in KSA would be preferable in which case a transferable Iqama would be ideal.

This job is posted in the following Specialties



Civil Engineer qualification degree.

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/jeddah/engineer/003238756.html

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