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10 سبتمبر 2013

Planning Engineer

. Planning Engineer Planning Engineer required for rail project in Doha Qatar.The successful candidate will report directly to a Planning Manager and Project Manager and will be one of the main resources for implementing and monitoring planning methods on the design and construction of a rail project. The successful candidate will be responsible for but not limited to the following duties Supporting Programme Management with all baseline forecasting planning interface. To prepare and developed the detailed design construction testing and commissioning programmes for rail systems in line with the Master Implementation programme. To Assist Senior Planning Manager to access Tender submission and review programmes To monitor progress of the projects against Project Detailed Scheduled DPS Programme milestones and implement delay recovery actions where necessary. To prepare regular progress reports with programme analysis recommendation and address programme issues to ensure timely project completion. To review weekly fortnightly and monthly progress update reports from Supervising Consultants. To review the detailed working programme resource schedule physical and financial SCurve submitted by Work Package Contractors. To assist the Contracts and Commercial department on programme analysis should there be any Extension of Time EOT claims. To provide internal and client facing progress reports showing plan earn actual cost and estimate forecast at completion from budgeted cost and project delivery perspective as required by the Programme Manager. To review site installation and construction activities to ensure the timely project completion. To ensure all works packages are carried out in accordance with procedures laid down by the integrated management systems. To liaise with the site managers supervisors regarding specific work packages during each stage of the project. To provide regular reports to the Commercial Team for monitoring site activities in terms of contractual changes variations and disruptions.Minimum Profile Requirements Degree Master in Mechanical Engineering Project Management or its equivalent. Experience in major rail or infrastructure projects would be an added advantage. Experience on tram projects. Computer literate in programming software such as Primavera P6 or MS Project. Good working knowledge of construction methodologies planning and programming on rail project. Excellent interpersonal communication skills and able to work with clients consultants and Authorities to effectively meets targets objectives. Analytical detailed and performance driven with tenacity to get things done. Highly motivated energetic and able to adapt effectively to new work challenges and situational changes deadlines. Minimum of 38 years in relevant job function on large scale project preferably with rail systems.Please contact t.church ewirecruitment.com and send an up to date copy of your CV along with contact details your salary requirements and your no more...


via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/airlines/003256846.html

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