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Custom Search

10 سبتمبر 2013

SharePoint Developers 6 Months Contract ID 19009


SharePoint Developers 6 Months Contract ID 19009 Doha Qatar

Category Information Technology IT

Job Type Contract

Minimum Experience

Required Education

Job Description

Parsons Brinckerhoff is the Strategic Program Manager for Qatar Rail's multibillion planned works to integrate a 4line 100station metro highspeed passenger rail freight a people mover and light rail which once delivered will provide a fast convenient worldclass fully integrated railway system for the State of Qatar.

Due to this we are currently looking to recruit a number of Software Engineers SharePoint to join our team in Qatar


Ability to understand and analyze project requirements and translate into specifications and programming deliverables

Work with software engineers and senior management to enhance existing applications and build additional applications as we grow

Enhance and productize our configuration tool to have it useable by our customers and product Partners

Assist with designing and implementing enhanced BI capabilities across out product suite Work with others on the engineering team and conform to our SDLC in Agile Environment

Strong analytical and problem solving capabilities

Must be able to understand and analyze project requirements and translate specifications UML Design to implementation.

Ability to adjust to changing priorities.

Desire to be a key player on a small early growing team that is building some great products for the AEC industry

Ability to execute and deliver to tight guidelines and schedules

Ability to work in Agile Iterative development environment.

Ability to write code that is testable by any member in team and conforms to unit test principles

Job Requirements

Bachelors Degree in Computer Science or Masters Degree in Computer Science

Bachelors Degree in any field from a 4 year College combined with minimum of 5 years of Software Development experience will be considered.

Required Skills amp Experience

Strong overall programming experience building webbased and large scale systems required.

SharePoint Programming API Object Model Client Context

5 Years of Experience in developing solution NET 3.5 EF LINQ OO Concepts UML

3 years of experience in working with JQuery CSS JQuery Prototyping

At least 3 to 4 years of Experience in developing WCF ASMX Restful Services

Framework Authentication Infrastructure background

Strong knowledge of IIS and Troubleshooting

SharePoint Programming API Object Model Client Context

SQL Server 2008 R2 SSIS SSRS Stored Procedures and DMO Knowledge of working in Clustered SQL Server environment.

Source Control Integrated Environment such as SVN CVS GitHub Unfuddle TFS PVCS

Knowledge of Nant Cruise control MSBuild

Agile Scrum Framework knowledge


Experience working with AEC industry is a plus.

Strong knowledge of Distributed Architecture amp Distributed Transaction is required or minimum of 3 years of experience showing solutions developed and deployed in high volume OLTP e more...


via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/dot-net/003256861.html

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