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11 سبتمبر 2013

L D Specialist ELearning Solutions

. L D Specialist ELearning Solutions Job Posting Establish strong business partnerships with assigned business departments in order to analyse current and future learning needs provide timely and focused online solutions and evaluate the effectiveness of the learning solutions provided. The role will liaise particularly closely with LD Managers assigned business departments third party vendors and Procurement and Logistics. Salary Benefits We offer an attractive taxfree salary paid in Dirhams the local currency of the UAE. Besides generous travel benefits normally associated with an airline. To Apply Please submit your application before 1st October 2013 2359 GMT 3 hours Qualifications Experience and Knowledge •Degree or Honours 123 or equivalent in a field related to learning technology training or people development. •5 yrs. working in the field of learning technology training or people development with a focus on the development and delivery of effective and innovative online learning solutions and implementation of the ADDIE lifecycle preferred. •Thorough knowledge of adult learning and development processes and methodologies as well as online learning solutions development. •Knowledge of Training Needs Analysis and ability to apply in complex work performance situations. •Knowledge of evaluation models particularly Kirkpatrick 4 Level with the ability to implement this across multiple eLearning projects. •Project management experience. •Business awareness interpersonal skills and maturity to work with line and project managers. •Excellent communication verbal written and presentation skills. •Good MS Office skills •Experience of working within a multicultural global organisation. About Emirates Tomorrow you could be living in dynamic Dubai and earning a taxfree salary with global benefits. Starting with two aircraft and a handful of enthusiastic people we have grown at a phenomenal rate. We are now one of the fastest growing airlines in the world flying to over 125 destinations across 6 continents. We are looking for people to join our global family of over 54000 peop more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/003259256.html

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