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6 سبتمبر 2013

Job Openings in Saudi Arabia


May we take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as GoAhead Consulting professional suppliers of manpower based with head office in London. We are into Overseas Recruitment for Specialized in Non IT Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation Civil for Oil amp Gas Petrochemical Refinery Power Plant Engineering field etc.

We have urgent requirement of huge number of professionals for our esteemed clients in Saudi Arabia. We are having job openings for the below mentioned industries. Position from Technicians to High End Management.



1. Power

2. Water

3. Engineering

4. Manufacturing Production

5. Constructions

6. Oil amp Gas


8. Marine Shipping

9. Mining

10. Medical

11. Information Technology

12. Utilities.

NATIONALITIES Saudi Pakistani Indian Filipino Jordan Syria UK USA Germany Australia South Africa Lebanon etc.

If you interested for work assignment in Saudi Arabia kindly send your updated resume with the following details for our further process.

1. Current Salary

2. Expected Salary

3. Notice period

4. Typing Speed

5. Shorthand Speed

6. Skype ID


Maintenance Production Manufacturing Teamlead IT water Power Water Engineering Manufacturing Production Constructions Oil amp Gas FMCG Marine Shipping Mining Medical Information Technology Utilities.

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b1%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%b6/003249077.html

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