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5 سبتمبر 2013

Graduate Engineer Saudi

Graduate Engineer Saudi Desired Expertise Drilling Engineering Project Engineer Student Recent Grad Arabic speaking Experience 0 years Minimum Education Bachelors35 yr Degree Salary Competitive Location Saudi Arabia Employment Type Rotational Salaried Employee Job Status Active Open Job posting bookmarked! Job Description

We are looking for potential Graduate Engineer candidates to join our Training and Development Program

We are committed to the development of our workforce in efforts to improve the quality and safety of our services and also to ensure that our people have ample opportunity to reach their fullest potential.

To this end we have created various learning events that shall allow new and experienced employees to obtain the required skills knowledge and understanding to live and work safely in the workplace

Upon completion of the various learning events we are confident that the graduate or trainee shall have been immersed in the appropriate environment prior to going to work to ensure that the daily tasks can be carried out in accordance with our operating systems.

The purpose of this plan is to put in place the building blocks that all that are entered into this program shall require to demonstrate the required levels of competence for their position i.e. the Skills Knowledge and Experience

Target Audience

1. Candidates whom have graduated from a university background with a Mechanical Electrical or Petroleum Engineering degree.

2. Persons whom are looking to enter the Oil and Gas Industry have good knowledge of mechanical and electrical principles and can demonstrate initiative.

3. Persons with the desired language skills applicants should be fluent in both English and Arabic in speaking reading and writing.

Mentoring Program Structure

This Mentoring Program will be comprised of Training Center functions and Field functions in an effort to maximize the Culturalization of the graduate or trainee into our Systems.

In utilizing our Training Center to distribute the knowledge and the various Operational Areas to provide SKILLS and EXPERIENCE based mentoring in a cooperative manner the graduate or trainee will be better able to deal with the day to day roles and responsibilities assigned to them once finished with the program and assigned to one of our operating areas

Applicant Requirements In o more...


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/engineer/003247800.html

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