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8 سبتمبر 2013

Financial Analyst


Financial Analyst

Utility Regulator

Abu Dhabi


Updated August 31 2013

To support the expanding economic work of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau the Economics Directorate is recruiting a number of new specialist positions within the Directorate. The Financial Analyst will report into the Senior Regulatory Accounts Specialist. It will be responsible for assisting the Director of Economic Regulation and other team members in ensuring that data analysis is correctly undertaken by the Bureau is well supported relevant reliable and clearly communicated to licensees.

The Financial Analyst will undertake data analysis and research to support and contribute to the activities of the Economic Regulation Division. The post will also assist with implementing the regulatory accounting guidelines on separate business accounts for the price controlled licensee companies and with advising the Bureau39s executive management on wider financial issues in light of IFRS.

Who we39re looking for

We are looking for fully qualified Chartered Accountants who have a demonstrable career history of working as Senior Financial Analysts or equivalent. Those with specific experience of working within a utility company regulator or consultancy will have a distinct advantage.

About our client

The Bureau is the independent regulator of the water wastewater and electricity sectors of the United Arab Emirates UAE. The main duty of the Bureau is to ensure secure supplies of electricity and water to the people of Abu Dhabi. The Bureau has exclusive authority to regulate all companies undertaking activities associated with the generation transmission distribution and sale of electricity as well as the production transmission distribution and sale of water and the collection treatment and disposal of waste water products.

What39s on offer

Very generous tax free package benefits.

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via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/finance/003252629.html

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