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14 سبتمبر 2013

Drilling Fluids Specialist Schlumberger

Job Description

The Drilling Fluids Specialist provides onsite services associated with measuring and testing the drilling fluids and supervising the mixing and pumping operations. Activities also include performing technical analyses and making informed recommendations for controlling fluid properties.

This position reports to the Field Services Manager Location Manager or Operations Manager.


  • Reviews fluids program in order to prepare orders and mixing plans.

  • Writes procedures for mixing and handling of products.

  • Gathers samples and performs tests to determine trends and identify contaminants.

  • Records test results to identify trends.

  • Interprets propertytest data to establish required treatment or action.

  • Determines cause of fluid hole or system problems to assist in treatment recommendation.

  • Determines chemical treatments required to optimize drilling parameters.

  • Advises clients on potential treatments or improvements to the fluid system based on data analysis and mud testing.

  • Recommends solidscontrol processes to ensure economic removal.

  • Supervises rig personnel performing chemical additions and recording drilling fluid parameters.

  • Manages product inventory to ensure availability.

  • Maintains required environmental discharge and consumption records.

  • Monitors daily drilling operations to reduce or eliminate problems associated with drilling fluids.


    • Education requirement varies with country assignment High school diploma or equivalent to master39s degree.

    • Experience requirement varies with assignment 3 to 15 years of experience.

      Status Staff Minimum Experience 0 years Location Various INTERNATIONAL nbsp Advert Published 14 Sep 2013 < more...


      via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003264450.html

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