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1 سبتمبر 2013

Design Manager Director

ACC Al Arrab Contracting Company One of the biggest construction contracting companies in Saudi Arabia is seeking Design Manager or Director candidates to interview immediately.


Demonstrate effective delivery of design information to construction teams.

Speedy and effective resolution of Terms of Engagement Contractual Design Delivery Scope or Detail clash issues.

Resolve design related information problems in multiparty offices to site and to onsite interfaces.


Is the key point of Contact for all and multi discipline design coordination issues related to constructiondelivery.

EnsuresAssures that all design activities are managed via multiparty coordinated Design Quality Management plans

Ensures multiparty design interfaces operate smoothlyeffectively in accordance with Contracts in support of Delivery.

Ensures that effective fully integrated development design and delivery programsschedules are produced and used.

Ensures that the most effective prototypes samples examples and trials are undertaken to facilitate rapid approvals.

Ensures that Consultants manage their design affairs in a formal written planned and effectively applied manner.

Ensures that Consultants formally carry out their own Design Review Design Verification and Design Validation.

Ensures that Consultants limit growth and keep a strong focus on design delivery and effectively answer questions.

Monitors and reports on the progress and status of all design information as it relates to DeliveryConstruction.

Regularly briefs interested teams and individuals on the content and detail of incoming design information.

Schedules and attends all such meetings required so as to ensure good communication and smooth dealings.

Translates and interprets and communicates Client or other comments to establish agreementdisagreement.

Schedulesattendsruns such workshops as are necessary to expedite design information in efficient timescales.

Enforces formal Design Change Control measures ensuring proper authorizations are provided as required.

Ensures that the most effective comparison or decision tools are used by all Service Providers to avoid delays.

Ensures the effective optioneering and reporting of all options in writing for outstanding design decisions.

Monitors Design communications and ensures the effective distribution of design information to appropriate parties.

Communicates coordinates reports on design progress status and information on key issues relevant to the Schedule.

Ensures that proper Basis of Design design calculations technical reports and other substantiation information is present.

On occasions may undertake research or benchmarking to compare design approaches being offered.

Enforce and ensure the proper use updating or currency of electronic communication tools used in information transfer.

Ensures procurement activities support and do not detract or deviate from established or required designs.

Recommends content of alterations to or variations in the Terms of Engagement of Design Service Providers

Organizes any training information sessions presentations or other items to introduce key persons to design changes.

Ensures that personnel effectively manage schedules design information action lists target deliverable completion dates.

Enforces the revision control of design information passed for issued by or used by constructiondelivery team.

Ensures the raising of RFI’sTQ’s organizes clarifications and whereif necessary seeks Client instructions for variations.

Ensures any apparent delivery deviations or concessions product permits on designs rigorously interrogated.

Manages the technical aspects and resolves any design related NCN’s SDR’s NCR’s or other that may impede delivery.



The Design Manager or Director is responsible for ‘pulling’ design information and detail in a coordinated fashion to match the needs of Development Design and Build DeliveryConstruction fitout needs and commissioninghandover needs. The D.M. acts in full support of and to the Departments and Offices and to the Delivery Team Construction in keeping with the Schedule and targets. The D.M. dealings include Client facing review and approval issues Consultant designer and specialists input with master plan detail drawings schedules shop and other drawings and schedules. The D.M. also acts in a matrix fashion to support departments individuals requiring clarifications.


The Design Manager is preferably degree qualified but is highly experienced in the Design and Build construction arena with exceptional levels of knowledge. The D.M. demonstrates a high degree of communication skills at all levels and has familiarity with multidisciplines. The D.M. is familiar with a range of design and management related tools including proprietary software. The D.M. understands and applies Design and Build Conditions of Contract and develops and applies effective design management processes under a framework of BS.EN.ISO.9000. The D.M. has a minimum of 15 years experience five years in a similar role. The D.M. may be a member of a recognized construction institution. Exposure to multibillion mixed use developments and management of Clients architects designers and specialists is highly desirable and will be a very significant advantage.

If available immediately apply indicating your salary expectations and current location via email william..sa.

Invites to connect also welcome httpza.linkedin.cominwilliamvernes.

الخلفية التعليمية

Degree Diploma in Civil Structure Architect Engineering.

وصف الشركة

Company Profile

quotBuilding more than just buildings...quot

Since our early beginnings we believed that the essence of our work goes beyond bricks and steel. Our determination to deliver a job welldone is enhanced by the values we cherish and work by. We work as a team that is committed passionate creative insightful and prompt.

quotSincere Reliable Contemporary with Precision Engineered Services...quot

When it's all said and done our ultimate mission is a lofty quest to be quotThe Best Builder in all arenasquot. It is your school... your university... your home... your hospital that we are aiming to develop and with that in mind we have a mission of building society. We ACC offer a comprehensive range of customer oriented construction and development services that range from real estate developments to industrial utilities.

quotIf you've been waiting for the right partner wait no longer...quot

Sure we provide the full range of services that you'd expect from one of the region's largest builders. And yes we do so ontime and onbudget using the most sophisticated project management tools but at the end of the day it is our committed team of experts who work so hard to get the job done so skillfully. For more than a quarter of a century The ACC team was involved in numerous building and infrastructure projects. Jobs varied from simple construction projects to complex multi disciplined design develop EPC contracts.

quotWe have the vision...quot

What differentiates us from any other construction company is the fact that we have farsighted aspirations. We look to the future and see the monumental successes we are capable of achieving which are supported by our existing accomplishments. Our ultimate goal is to be our clients' first choice in the industry throughout the Middle East.

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b1%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%b6/graphic-designer/003238736.html

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