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1 سبتمبر 2013


1.Registering journal entries on Daily basis American General journal 2.Contact with all departments of organization external parties and authorities through direct contact meeting call. 3.Issuing Purchase order cheques device. 4.Issuing Treasury receipts 5.Registering in treasury book 6.Followingup and reviewing petty cash payments for Sites and other departments to make reconciliation. 7.Conducting analysis for Monthly expenses treasury bank according to the budget 8.Making Monthly allocation expenses through maintaining and developing and analyzing budget 9.Preparing periodic report s that compares between budgeted cost and actual cost 10.Auditing abstracts according to financial offers and contract with suppliers 11.Preparing all financial sheets related to accounts of suppliers subcontractors 12.Auditing the ongoing invoice supplier's accounts making reconciliation with suppliers constructors. 13.Preparing Tax adjustments income tax – withholding tax. 14.Making Monthly calculations for deprecation rate of assets. 15.Submitting all required statements to Chief Accountant Admin Manager

من RSSMix.com Mix ID 3801697 http://egypt.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-egypt/alex/accountant/003238772.html

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