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5 سبتمبر 2013

Account Executive EnglishArabic Speaking

Account Executive Duties

•Report to the Account ManagerDirector

•Assist in the operation of accounts handled by Rawaj

•Maintain daytoday contact with the clients as directed by the Account Managers

•Ensures that all elements of client programmes are completed on time and to the highest possible standards

•Attend new business presentations

•Distribute press releases to media and followup calls to ensure coverage

•Assist in media monitoring for all Rawaj client clippings

•Update the media lists on a regular basis

•Establish and maintain necessary media and third party supplier contacts to ensure client programmes can be executed professionally

•Keep uptodate with the local PR industry to target potential new clients to be pursued with the Account Director

•Attend to client meetings and take routine client briefs for forthcoming PR activity

•Produce activity status reports time sheets monthly reports of current and other accounts accurately and on time

•Maintain strict confidentiality

•Participate fully in all internal meetings and training programs provided by Rawaj

•Carry out administrative assignments from time to time as appropriate


Essential requirements

Must currently be based in UAE

Available to start immediately

1 year minimum previous Account Executive experience in the UAE

Fluent in English and Arabic

Previous involvement in Media Relations would be preferred

Strong administrative skills

Salary 8000 depending on qualifications

via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/dubai/accountant/003247795.html

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