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14 مايو 2017

J2EE Developers for Qatar

VAM Systems is a Business Consulting, IT Technology Solutions and Services company with operations in UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, USA, Australia, Singapore & India. VAM Systems is currently looking for J2EE Developers for our Qatar operations with the following skill set and terms and conditions: Skill Set required: 4+ years experience as a Java/J2EE developer Experience with JSF, Hibernate, EJB, JPA, Glassfish & Tomcat Experience working with and designing solutions that use large scale relational database Experience using web development languages including HTML, JavaScript, JSF, AJAX and JSP Experience within an agile development methodology, in particular Scrum would be beneficial. Development experience in a Linux environment Previous work with large scale networks and systems Familiar with web technologies such as DWR (Direct Web Remoting) and JQuery. Experience working with and designing solutions that use large scale relational database such as Oracle or SQL Server Key Responsibilities: Engage with key stake holders, internal and external, to understand the product and user requirements of the solutions we are creating. Generate appropriate design documents, wireframes and other forms of documentation to clearly represent the solutions being created Work with other development teams members to allow them to implement the designs, including design and code reviews. Implementation and coding of solutions Generate unit tests and other testing strategies to ensure the products are being tested thoroughly to produce quality products. Terms and conditions:  Joining time frame: 30 days. The selected candidates shall join VAM Systems – Qatar and shall be deputed to one of the leading Govt Organizations in Qatar. Should you be interested in this opportunity, please send your latest resume in MS Word format at the earliest at ambili.krishnan@vamsystems.com or call us ++91 476 2681150.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/2pNjHMg

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