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4 أغسطس 2016

Renewable Energy Expert

Background The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is an intergovernmental organization with diplomatic status that aims to enable and increase the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region. RCREEE teams with regional governments and global organizations to initiate and lead clean energy policy dialogues, strategies, technologies and capacity development in order to increase Arab states’ share of tomorrow’s energy. For information on RCREEE and its activities, please visit http://www.rcreee.org 1- Objectives, tasks and responsibilities: RCREEE is seeking to recruit Renewable Energy Expert to support its activities as a leading Arab research and advisory center on sustainable energy. RCREEE works in close partnership with the many national, regional and international organizations, and is a leading partner and technical assistant provider in many projects in the renewable energy and energy efficiency domains. RCREEE aims to further strengthen its position as a recognized regional knowledge and information leader on renewable energy and energy efficiency activities and best practices and as a provider of technical assistance to its member states and partners, in addition to supporting private sector engagement in the implementation of renewable energy and energy efficiency activities. The successful candidate will join an international team in an interdisciplinary work environment located in RCREEE headquarter, Cairo, Egypt. The RE Expert will participate in RCREEE activities in the following areas: Assist RCREEE in implementing and improving RCREEE analysis tools to provide holistic systematic analysis, monitoring and evaluation of the RCREEE member states' progress towards Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency. The tools enable RCREEE to - provide comprehensive analysis of the current conditions for deployment of RE projects and pursuit of EE; - benchmark countries' performance in order to provide additional stimulus to promote RE & EE; - effectively communicate the results of assessment; - identify areas for possible intervention at the regional level in order to maximize the effects of promoting RE & EE Collect & verify necessary data through review of existing primary & secondary resources, interviews and questioners using existing RCREEE professional network Produce RE & EE profile for each RCREEE member state Ensure accurate construction of indicator and indices (imputing missing data; normalization; weighting & aggregation; robustness & sensitivity analysis; correlation analysis) Produce regional and country specific reports Document and institutionalize all business processes related to the indicators and index methodology including guidance manual, data storage and retrieval and indexing procedures. Based on the collected data initiate and implement policy studies with specific recommendations to the governments on improving sustainable energy policy frameworks. Contribute to other RCREEE analytical works in the area of RE & EE Based on the current realities and factors effecting RE & EE progress in the RCREEE member states and building on the existing tools, identify areas for consistent monitoring & evaluation and develop indicators that are practical, operational, relevant to the region, and resource efficient. Managing projects and provision of deep and reliable technical and policy analyses to member states and a range of clients positioning RCREEE as a regional knowledge hub on renewable energy and energy efficiency activities and best practices Draft projects preliminary and detailed plans including objectives, deliverables, scope, resources (budget and team), organization, timeline, partners, risks and stakeholders maps Execute dissemination and impact measurement plans Supervise the implementation of project activities and provide guidance and instructions to the team Regularly report projects progress to the projects director and fulfill Performance Management System requirements Contribute to developing external funding and support proposal writing as needed and instructed by projects director Supervise assigned staff and interns and provide feedback of their performance to the Resource Manager Manage the selection and supervision of technical experts in coordination with the Technical Director and Financial Manager Align with the other departments manager on the required assistance throughout the project Engage with relevant stakeholders to ensure delivery of the project Discuss and communicate the project’s marketing requirements with Communications team Work with the team of RCREEE analysts and researchers to write clear and detailed studies, reports and presentations on findings for internal and external stakeholders, publications and conferences. Participate in the tender evaluation process as needed and instructed by projects director Participate in technical and scientific meetings/conferences and represent RCREEE upon recommendations of the projects director

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/2aVhdty

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