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نحن نعمل جاهدا على ان نختصر لك الطريق فى الوصول الى الوظيفة المنشوده التى تبحث عنها لذا قمنا بإنشاء محرك بحث خاص بالموقع مدعوم شركة جوجل للبحث فى جميع الوظائف التى يتم نشرها على الموقع لذا يمكنك وبكل سهولة الوصول الى وظيفة فى مجال عملك من هنا. إرشادات يمكنك اتباعها لتسهيل عملية البحث عن وظيفة - اكتب فى محرك البحث بالأسفل كلمات تدل على المجال الذى ترغب فيه الأمثلة بالاسفل هى مجرد امثلة للبحث يمكنك تعديلها او الاضافة عليها البحث عن طريق استخدام التخصص مثل: وظائف للمحاسبين وظائف للصيادلة البحث عن طريق إستخدام المكان: وظائف فى فنادق وظائف شاغرة فى دبى وظائف فى بنوك وظائف فى شركة اتصالات وظائف فى السفارة الأمريكية أبحث عن وظيفة فى مجالك بإستخدام صندوق البحث بالأسفل

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25 أغسطس 2016

Electrical Project Engineer

Generally responsible for implementations and monitoring of all electrical related works at site. Estimates, prepares and assigns the resources such as manpower, materials, consumables, equipment, tools, etc., required for all electrical and related works prior to execution. Plans and analyses all possible construction methodologies and recommends the best options to the Asst. Project Manager for approval prior to execution at site. Interprets construction drawings and studies the contract documents and applicable standards or specifications prior to execution of any jobs. Manages directly and provide engineering and technical supports to all the electrical work groups at site. Plans the execution of all electrical related works and coordinates the works to mechanical and civil groups. Coordinates with Client / Consultant’s representatives for any site instructions and inspection of works. Assign targets for accomplishments and ensure targets are met on daily basis for all electrical groups at site. Submits site daily reports, inspection requests, estimates and all applicable monitoring reports on regular basis or as required. Supports the Asst. Project Manager in accomplishing all the goals and targets for the electrical groups at site. Ensures that all the works done are in accordance with the approved construction drawings, contract documents, project specifications, and all applicable standards whether local, national or international standards. Ensures that all site works are done according to all applicable quality standards. Directly responsible for the safety of all electrical groups’ personnel of the project by ensuring that the project execution will be done according to all applicable health, safety, sanitary and environmental standards. Performs other related duties as may be required by the Asst. Project Manager.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/2bQPBBW

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